ISO: Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation Guide and go-alongs

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  • d.kirk

    Hi, I am looking to purchase the Middle Ages guide and the books to go with it for this fall. Anyone who has any of these to sell, you can reply to me here or email me at dorothy . s. kirk @ gmail . com (no spaces). I’m rarely on Facebook so I usually miss items on the SCM marketplace page. Thanks for your help!

    Here is what I need:

    SCM Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation, and Epistles guide, 2nd Edition

    A Castle With Many Rooms-Lorene Lambert

    Around the World in 100 Years-Jean Fritz

    The Bible Smuggler- Louise Vernon

    The Stuff They Left Behind: From the Days of the Middle Ages portfolio

    Adam of the Road-Elizabeth Janet Gray

    The Vikings -Elizabeth Janeway

    Kon-Tiki – Thor Heyerdahl

    Narration Notecards for A Castle with Many Rooms

    Corlia Jordaan

    Hi, are you looking for the printed books only?  I have the pdf for sale for Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles.


    Hi Corlia,

    I actually have purchased most of what I need, including the guide. Thank you though!

    If anyone has Around the World in a Hundred Years or The Bible Smuggler I am still looking for those.

    Thank you!

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