Is this what I would need…

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Is this what I would need…

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  • sbkrjulie

    Okay….I think I have this figured out but not sureUndecided so below is the run down of what I think I would need to get for our History lessons:

    Story of America Vol 1

    Story of the Nations Vol 1

    Handbook for whatever module I choose to start with (probably Mod 5 as I have 6th and 3rd graders)

    Recommended books for each grade level and family plan

    Uncle Josh’s Map Outlines

    ****Do I need more books or is this a good start? We have not really covered History much this year given learning issues in the core subjects.

    ***I do own SOTW Vol 1 and Vol 2 as well the tests for those.

    Thanks to any help you an offer. I really want to go with SCM way for our 2011-2012 year (and beyond!).



    I think you only need Story of America and Story of Nations IF you are doing Mod 5 (like you said you probably will be)… but if you decide on a different module you would pick the books listed there.

    So yes, the Books listed under “Family”, the Books listed for whichever level of kids you have, The Module guide, and Uncle Josh’s Map Outlines.


    Okay…and I don’t need to buy any additional history spines then right?

    As stated, I have SOTW Vol 1 and Vol 2 but I rather not purchase any further books than I HAVE TO HAVE for History.I want to utlize the library as much as possible and free ebooks (I have a Nook).

    Is the SCM recommended book list enough?

    Bottom line, I need to save money this year as my son is possibly going to need Teaching Textbooks for his math curriculum from here on out. I am NOT the math whiz Embarassed and hubbie’s work hours are not exactly that great for him helping me out with said math.



    Here is what I do:


    Go to the Module Handbook you want to do.  Download the sample, which lists all the books needed.  Use that as your buying guide/library list. Of course I love the handbooks so I buy them when we’re ready to do a Module, they are very helpful!!


    If I use the Module Handbook for Module 6, would I not necessarily use a spine along with it?  We did not use a spine this year for Module 5 (nor the Handbook), but I did on one or two occasions use small portions of the audiobook version of SOTW.

    I didn’t actually find SOTW at our local library until halfway through the school year, and I really, really was short on funds for book purchases, so we had to beg, borrow, and (got used books for a) steal the recommended books (and a couple of substitutes).  I think we did pretty well with Module 5, but I sort of feel as though the Handbook or a good spine throughout the year might have “glued” things together for the time period.


    You could also check out Math u see. I get mine on Ebay. student text from the company is 25.00 unless you get the whole program online. It might not be in your buget but when you get started it isn’t so bad and the DVD’s teach. Just a suggestion. I really enjoy ours. It is well worth the money. It is simple too.

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