Is this a good deal – Kindle books?

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  • Rebekahy

    I’m wondering if this is a good deal.  I realize that you can get many of these books for free for the Kindle, but I’m wondering if this format with the pictures makes it a worthwhile set to have?  Thanks for the advice!



    I’d check for those titles on,, and (to start with anyway). Most can be found for free in kindle format and they include the images.



    Betty Dickerson

    I just got a Kindle and couldn’t figure out how you could download the books from mainlesson or manybooks in a Kindle format with the ability to reset the font size.  Any ideas?  I googled and found a link to Ambleside Books on the Kindle but had the same issue with those books as well as with pdf files.  Any tips?  Thanks! Betty


    Hey anabetica,

    It really isn’t that difficult on most of the sites.  You will want to download the Kindle format book.  If you don’t see it listed in Kindle format, then you want to select the Mobipocket format. (it is the same).  Mobipocket books have a .prc or .mobi extension. 

    Then you need to transfer the book to your Kindle.  There are 2 choices… you can either email them to your kindle (email to  (where yourkindle is the name you gave your kindle.) – this must be from an email address you setup on amazon as safe from which to send books to your kindle.)   Or you can can hook up your kindle with the USB cable.  This makes it look like another drive – and you move the books into the Kindle’s documents folder. 

    pdf files do not “reflow” – so you can not change the font size.  For them, you have to zoom, and then cursor around.  Most are readable if you change the Kindle to landscape…


    I tried the link to Yesterday’s Classics in Rebekah’s post above, but the link seems to not be working.  (Keep getting a ‘Document not found’ message.)


    If you just go to Yesterday’s Classics website, near the top it says something like Kindle deal….

    basically, it is all 250(ish) books in Kindle format for $99….  all the books in print format are around $2500… and buying them all in Kindle format seperately would be more that the $99 too…


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