Is this a bad idea for science?

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  • I am really trying to tackle science decision for next year. My son probably needs to do Apologia General Science text. But I don’t want my other kids to miss out on science, so I’m thinking of including the Biology 101 DVD that someone here recommended.

    Would these options be crazy to combine? I figured I could go slow with the DVD topics and just enjoy those.

    I appreciate everyone’s opinion. Thanks for helping me along.

    Doug Smith

    There was a good discussion on the forum recently about high school science. Karen gave a pretty good overview of what is in biology 101.


    Simple home, what ages are your other kids?  I often, for younger children, do the same general topic but look for materials better suited for the younger set.  This year one of my high schoolers was doing Chemistry, and I used the God’s Design chemistry set plus some living books and a few extra kid-friendly experiments for my younger one.  It was a little easier than doing all different sciences, anyway!  Plus we had several living books that even my younger son enjoyed that I got for my older one to have fun with. 


    That would be very doable – the 101 dvds lessons are not long…and they are enjoyable for the whole family (from the 3yo to Dad).  We often watched with Dad in the evening second time for the intended student – just b/c it was that interesting.  If I recall correctly it’s only about 5 hours total.  Then you add books of your choosing to round it out if desired.



    Thanks for the link Doug, very informative and great timing!

    Bookworm, my son is 13. My younger kids are 9, 6, and 3. My 9 year old is very capable of doing higher level material. She loves reading science (even more than her older brother) and I was thinking she might enjoy the DVDs along with the living books. Not sure what would be best, plus I don’t want to spend a fortune either. :0

    Annipeter, thanks for the input on the DVDs!

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