is there a website or person I can send essays to for grading

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  • Paula Spicer

    I write fairly well, but I am not good at grading my kids’ essays.  I don’t have a problem picking out topics or teaching so I don’t need a writing program.  But am I too hard, not hard enough, biased?  I don’t know, grading, it just doesn’t work.  Does anyone know of a website or company that will grade essays for you?  I’m not big on grades, but it would be nice to have someone else look over the essays.




    Yes, there are several.   I can’t think of the names right now,  but I think HSLDA had a link to one.  Sometimes they are called a writing mentor.




    I don’t personally know of anyone who grades essays (although I’m sure there is), but I have used rubrics to grade essays.  Some I have used as is, and others I have tweaked for my use.  You can find lots of them online, and that might be helpful.  I always gave my kids a copy of the rubric as they got older so they could see which areas needed improvement.

    I don’t know the ages of your children, but here are some links to rubrics (or rubric creating) for various ages.

    For elementary:

    For middle school:

    For high school:  Essay Writing Rubrics | Ereading Worksheets


    This is the one I was thinking of from Patrick Henry College.


    I do it!
    Actually, I do writing critiques for homeschool families. I don’t give grades, because I don’t know the children. I tell them what’s great about their writing and make suggestions about what could be improved (and why). I could work with a parent to decide what grade should be given if that’s what they wanted; it’s just not the thing I usually focus on.
    I’d love to be of help to you.
    My website is

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