Is SCM nature study considered science???

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Is SCM nature study considered science???

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  • NJcountrygal

    Hey!  Just wondering if Nature Study and Science are the same thing or if I should be scheduling them separate.  I was planning on using Outdoor Secrets Companion next year for Nature Study/Science. (dd will be 8yrs. old)  Now I’m wondering if I should be scheduling a science program that is more involved (experiments and such).  Also, when I am done with Outdoor Secrets and 106 Days of Creation what next???  Any Thoughts????


    With an 8yo, yes, science and nature study can be the same thing.  I don’t do a lot else unless it’s interest-driven before 3rd grade.  Nature study is the BEST science for young children. 

    There are LOTS of things to do next, (actually in ADDITION–you dont’ want to stop nature study.)  I don’t have time to run down the list right now but there are lots of different directions you can go!


    Christine Kaiser

    Yes in the early elementary years Science and Nature Study can blend. We are currently and will be using Outdoor Secrets and 106 Days of Creation spread out over 1st and 2nd grade. I am not much of a science person so we don’t do it every day, sometimes just once or twice a weekEmbarassed. We plan on starting a Science curriculum like Apologetica in 3rd Grade. If you do the 106 days of creation it will be a good intro into formal science. The study guide has suggestions for experiments and you always have the freedom to go in depth on a subject your child really catches an interest on. Hope this helped.Smile

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