I noticed on the free curriculum guide that science is listed by grade, and not as a family subject. Does that mean each child should get their own science? I love the science suggestions on here and want to use them. Just wasn’t sure if I should be doing 1 per year or more, and trying to combine or not. Thanks!
Just my two cents…but combine whatever you can! So, as long as it won’t hold your students back, do one for all (or some at least). At least until high school, this is pretty much a content subject (as opposed to skill based) so each child will take away what he is able for if you aim to teach to the older ones. So, I would choose a starting place that seems appropriate for most or all of your students, and start there…moving on when you are ready, whether that’s at the end of the year or not. Hope that makes sense.
I’m not sure how it’s “supposed” to be, but I think most people have each child working on their own science in the middle school and high school years. We almost always combined them when they were in elementary, though. I guess a lot of this depends on the ages/grades of your children.
We combine all our children except the 7th grader. However occasionally we do have individual science topics being studied when a younger child really wants to study something and nobody else does. We treat those as small unit studies. This year my husband is doing science with the 3rd grade and under crowd. I’m available to the 7th grader doing Apologia General Science.
We also combine until 7th or 8th grade. This year we will have science together for the K,2nd, &4th grader…and the 6th and 7th graders will have their own science to do together.
I have found, also, that if you print out the ‘standards’ for each grade level, you will find them very easy to accomplish through living books, nature study, and occasional experiments – up through Jr. High. Then things start getting a little more complex…which is as it should be!
My 5th and 7th grader had been doing science together until now.
Just started my oldest on Apologia General science, it is a challenge to have one more thing to go over w/him, correct, help w/science experiments. I am thinking to have him start online classes soon, can’t keep up w/it all.
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