hello! i ordered 106 days of creation studies to look over and i absolutely love it. however, the oldest child i will be teaching will be 6 turning 7 and i have two younger than she tagging along. i have been thinking lately that i would really like to just spend more time outdoors, continue with our science notebooking and read books for our science this year and start 106 days next year when everyone is one year older…or maybe even after that. does this seem like a reasonable thing to do or am i just being lazy? 🙂
I think books and nature study is more than enough. When my older 2 were those ages, I rarely taught anything “science”. We spent lots of time outdoors and supplied them with living books (some read by them and some by me) and all the field guides I could get my hands on. They STILL impress me with their knowledge of science “stuff” that they learned “on their own” and they are now 12 and 13.
We used 106 Days with my just 7yo dd and my 4 1/2yo dd this past year. I wanted to use it the previous year but waited so both girls could enjoy it. We loved it and may use it again in a few years when we have three doing school. I think your ideas sound great and with the amazing price you are not really out a ton of money for this year. I would wait!
I agree. I have 106 days, but we haven’t used it yet, mainly b/c dd age 9 has been using the Apologia courses via our co-op and the my others are younger 6, 3, 7 months. I’m thinking of next year or the year after for the 6 & 3 yos. I think waiting is fine!
We have 106 Days, too, and have used it for our 9 1/2 yo (who’s now 11 1/2) and our almost 8yo (who was 6 1/2 at the time). We also have a 4 1/2 yo that just tagged along, but didn’t do much. I plan to continue with it during our first term, maybe second if we don’t finish, with lots of living books, nature study, etc., especially for my 8yo and almost 5yo. My oldest missed out on alot of living books that I would’ve like to have covered so I’ll have him listen in when I read to my younger two. In a couple of years, maybe 3, we’ll repeat 106 Days for my younger two so they can do the what they didn’t do first time around.
We recently listened to Dr. Jay Wile (Apologia Science) speak at our local homeschool convention. He completely encouraged nature study and great literature as the only necessary “Science” in the younger grades. I went into his seminar wondering if what he shared would cause me to second guess my methods, well, Charlotte’s methods, but it did the opposite. I left his seminar feeling like we are doing exactly the right thing – nature study and living books.
Oh, and he has statistics to back it up!
Anyway, I shared that simply to say, yes, put away 106 Days until they are a bit older and just enjoy this time with them to do nature study and read great literature.
thanks so much! that puts my mind at ease. i have several science type books around here that the kids like, but i’d like a few more. does anyone have a list of living science books for this age that you particular liked?