Steph3433, or anyone else, if you would like an unaligned test, go to They have lists of tests and publishers listed on their website showing who is aligned, correlated, independent, etc.
Yes, I was able to administer it myself. This si the first year I’ve used it. Thet past three (2 for dd) tests have been the Hewitt’s PASS. I think it’s good to not have timed tests when they are younger.
Now, since my oldest is entering “7th”, I wanted him to start being more accustomed to timed testing.
Thanks for the information. To renew my license as an accredited program, in Louisiana, this test would be the easiest to submit. Also, it would give me the encouragement to know how they are doing testing wise. They were used to taking the IOWA in the school they attended. I am open to any that the state approves though. Once again, thanks.
Rachel, it lists the CAT as an approved test but does not show a particular year. So I would say that any is accepted. I will make sure before using it. Thanks again.