Is it really not important or is it just me?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math Is it really not important or is it just me?

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  • apsews

    From what I have witnessed and heard is that PS doesn’t teach kids how to tell time or count money anymore. Because of technology they don’t feel that it’s necessary for them to know these things. They all have digital clocks and calculators on their phone. I also know that a teacher told a friend of mine that they don’t worry about spelling too much either because everything has spell check


    Lost half of my post…

    I wonder what will happen when this generation is running the world? Who is going to program the spell check? Are we going to all use texting slang?? Do you agree with this? I don’t!!


    That is crazy! My five year old can count money and tell time, and I am not even a ‘math person’.

    Another example of an educational system going tragically wrong…is situational ethics the only thing they are teaching anymore?

    On the plus side, if all the computers are ever wiped out we know who will be running the world – the homeschoolers! grins :).


    I have a friend who taught 9th/10th grade algebra 1 and most of her students did not know how to read a clock!


    No I do not agree and that is one reason we homeschool. Also many of them do not teach handwriting anymore. What will they all do in a power outage? Computers mess up and it may be due to human user error, but the user needs enough common sense and knowledge to know when there is a mistake with the computer. When I was a kid in ps, my mother was wise enough to have me do all my math homework without a calculator. In class I did equations on paper/mentally faster than everyone else punching numbers in their calculators. I ended up majoring in a math field in college. I like math and I understand it and still don’t use a calculator much. It is sad to see the direction everything is headed. It reminds me of the Disney Wall-e movie.


    I find both skills very necessary.

    My dc are in situations all the time that require both of those skills (have no idea who the kids are that fall in the category of the ones that will not need it…do they have credit/debit cards, iphones??!!). I found out the hard way when my dc were in music class and were given “play money” to buy prizes at the end of the year and my 7yo had not quite mastered the skill (or acted like he hadn’t) of counting money and the teacher was kind of surprised that he hadn’t learned it yet. I was a bit embarrassed, even though I plan to teach it, complete with counting back change, as well. And, telling time is akin to math (skip counting, rounding, fractions) and a lot of our older friends have analog clocks (grandfather clocks) and we prefer them over digital for decorative purposes. Also, our dc receive cash for their birthdays/Christmas are required to put it in the bank, but, they have to count it out and work with the bank teller themselves.

    What a bunch of idiots. I know that wasn’t very nice, but come on!


    Well, this explains why the cashier can’t count my change out correctly!  I’m really scared about what society will look like in 25 years, should the Lord tarry.


    We recently ordered food at a college sporting event.  It was run by college students who couldn’t add simple numbers and give correct change.  Surprised  We’re talking giving change from a $10 bill for a total of $6.50!  (He tried to give back $4.50 and also struggled to add the totals)

    Needless to say, I think it’s still very important!  My DC will go to a different room with a digital clock instead of reading the regular one…we apparently still need to work on time.  Embarassed

    susie in ms

    My word! Between things like this, and the moral atrocity of the common core curriculum, it makes me happier every day that God called me to hs my kids all of those years ago. I believe in teaching cursive too. Even if it is never used (which I doubt) past schooling, it is a form of art.

    Rachel White

    I, too think they are very important. I agree with the sentiments above.

    What if a strong EMP hits and knocks out the electronics?

    What about war; especially on our soil? It has a tendency to interfere with conveniences – like electricity.

    Good grief…and they won’ t know how to read cursive either! Which means they won’t be able to read our Founder’s documents or old letters from their ancestors.


    I agree with the posts here.More and more, everyday, I am seeing why God has given me a passion for homeschool! I am hopeful that God will use the growing number of home-educated students of today to lead the next generations.


    blue j

    This post makes me think of the book Diary of An Early American Boy.  There are several things in there that were relatively common knowlege that we have lost in our world.  The information about different woods swelling when others contract explains why much of the furniture made now does not hold up like the antiques which were hand crafted with love and care to LAST.  I know that’s a bit of a rabbit trail, but I wonder if someone will be reading a book of similar ilk in 50 years in reference to money, time, map reading, home phones, etc.


    Another rabbit trail…

    We went to a fast food place awhile back and they were sending all the customers away because the computers were down. I remember being shocked they had no back up plan…not that fast food is an emergency but still.


    The scariest for us homeschoolers is this Common Core Curriculum. We should all be praying about this and calling your State Senators asking them to defund this curriculum in your state. I am worried about the GED’s and SAT’s being rewritten to align with the Core. Also, HSLDA said the Iowa and CAt are already rewriting their tests. Please pray! Also, do any of you test with Iowa or CAT at the end of your year or in the spring?

    Rachel White

    I agree, steph. Thankfully, there are movements within states to get out.

    I test with the CAT at the end of the year; but use the 1970 version.

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