Is it possible to do Gen/Egypt in 1 Semester

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  • CrystalN

    My daughter and I have been discussing high school coursework. She is currently in 8th grade and we are finishing up modern history using My Fathers World. I am planning to switch to SCM next year, but since she only has 4 years and needs an American History Credit we were going to start with the Rome guide and end her with the Modern guide. Not ideal as she will miss OT history, but such is life. My younger will get through the whole cycle, just out of order. This was a great plan I thought…until my dd showed great disappointment about “missing” some of the history guides. Now I am back to square one, how to do 6 guides in 4 years and still enjoy the journey and linger. Typically I dont let my kids dictate my curriculum choices, but the girl is after my heart and if she wants to do it I want to help make it happen. I have searched the forum and found that Egypt, Greece, Rome can be done in 1 year, if you skip and modify. Not really into that. I think if I do Bible and History every day, which we already do, then Greece and Rome in one year seems reasonable. I can give 1/2 a history credit and use some of the books toward English. But that still leaves me with the Egypt guide. I was thinking I could finish up our modern 2x a week and try to blast through Egypt 3x a week, doing Bible daily. Maybe doable, but seems like I will be setting myself up for burnout and failure. Another option is to quit modern and just focus on Bible/Egypt for the rest of the year, knowing we will get to it again. But that seems like wasting money. Many of the books I bought can be read later, though my kids may be too old for some of them next time around. I feel like I am overcomplicating things as usual. I could have her read the books on her own over the summer, but honestly for all our good intentions it probably wouldn’t happen. I have been praying over this for a while and I feel like going through the entire Bible with her before graduation is the way to go, and today my Pastor started a new study in Exodus, which feels like confirmation since now Church and youth group will be reinforcing what we are studying at home. I know this is long and you guys are no doubt sick of me! Sorry. Any ideas? Comments?




    It is possible, but you will not be able to include everything.

    I combined ancients into one year, my oldest was in 6th grade, and it went well. We read most of the books, but not the Bible portion because we were studying OT in a separate study. Making the connections was never a problem.

    You have to decide what your end goals are for your students study. I just went to a homeachooling highschool seminar that had someone from HSLDA there and it was fantastic! She encouraged parents that there are ways to make what you are doing work. They have a special department just for parents of highschool students, if you are concerned about credits and what really needs to be completed when I would encourage you to check our that department at HSLDA. They are so encouraging and helpful with planning and completing what needs to be done with out thinking everything has to be done. 🙂

    You will never be able to get to everything, but if your student enjoys learning they will continue to want to learn long after they graduate. 🙂


    You can also do the SCM guides as is, and “assign” you older daughter some free reading for American History when she is in high school. As long as she reads and learns, does it matter if it is read during a quiet hour vs at the school table?

    You can also modify for a 4 year cycle if you want, and she may need a US Government class anyway.

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