Is it Okay to Drag a History Module Out?

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    Has anyone else felt like they needed to drag the lessons in their History module out quite a bit? We just started Module 5, and I feel like I want to do more reading on each lesson… We are only doing about 3 lessons per week. We ‘do’ school year round, but I am wondering if anyone else moves this slowly through the lessons, and if that is okay?

    For example, when we read the lesson on Jamestown, we also read D’aulaire’s ” Pocahontas” and did some note booking. Big kids are reading “Pocahontas and the Strangers” and Foster’s “The World of Captain John Smith”. At the rate we are going, one lesson on Jamestown will take us a couple weeks! Am I overdoing it, or is it okay to draw the lessons outline this?


    I slow down sometimes when we reach a place where I have additional things for that subject or we are really enjoying it!  Othertimes we just do the lessons as scheduled if we are not overly into it or we don’t have extra things to add. I fail to see why this would be bad!?


    That’s why you’re Homeschooling! 🙂 You get to decide what’s most important/least necessary. It’s a blessing to dig deep into a subject. It teaches attention, thoroughness, and a love of learning.

    Enjoy it,



    Thanks, ladies. I will relax! I am still de-toxing from the ‘check off the boxes’ curriculum, so I think I just needed to hear that it is okay to take our time. I love that the guides are laid out lesson by lesson, so I can just pick it up again when we are ready to move on.




    Is there any other way LOL?! We are working through Module 5 this year and are actually on Day 115 I think? So we’re trucking along, but we are also reading books through. My little ones (two 7YOs) weren’t handling the switching back and forth so well, so we finished Peter the Great for instance before beginning Tolivar’s Secret. Same for my 8th grader. He really prefers to read one through and then start the next. He finished Famous Men of Modern Times (we used the Memoria book rather than Greenleaf–excellent move for us!) early, but has taken longer to read Kidnapped. He is almost finished with it.

    We read the Stories books and Sailing together, but we’re quite frankly losing steam on Sailing. I think we’ll table it for now and try to pick it back up later. They read so much and are so into the geography aspect that I’m not too worried on that.

    So, in short, yes, take your time. You’ll find times that you move quickly through and other times you want to camp out on a time or topic. 🙂

    BTW, I understand the detoxing from box checking. I am a bit OCD on box checking, though not just with schoolwork. 🙂


    I love the SCM modules. This year were in 6 and doing all American history first and when finished with that will move to the world. Easier than switching for us.


    We just started Mod 1, but I recently managed to fit an extra book in place of our literature book.  It didn’t take any extra time from our day since we were squeezing it into our scheduled time for literature.  I wouldn’t want to do this too often since there are some many great literature books I want to get to, but it’s given us a nice break between books (it was a shorter chapter book).  I don’t see anything wrong with drawing out the lessons though!  We often take much longer to go through curriculum than other HSers…I think we are a bit slow.  Embarassed

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