Is cursive required for all handwritten work after it is mastered?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Writing (Copywork & Composition) Is cursive required for all handwritten work after it is mastered?

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  • Regan

    Once cursive is mastered, do you require all written work be done in cursive?



    I allow my children to write in whatever way is most comfortable for them.



    I don’t require it in all of their written work once they’ve mastered it but I do like them to continue to practice the skill once/week by having them copy a quote in their best cursive into their Books of Mottoes.


    Thanks for your feedback ladies.  I have been slowly requiring it more and more.  My son is in 4th grade and will be starting written narrations in the coming weeks.  I was going to require it for his narrations.   We are slowly transitioning to more and more cursive and less print.  There are some things where print is okay with me.  Trying to evaluate the benefits of requiring cursive over print.


    For written narrations I allow my kids to pick. My DD prefers print but my son cursive. I like that they can read and write cursive but find them making their own blend of the two, which I do not mind as long as it is neat and easily readable. Personally I write with a mix of print and cursive too 🙂


    Sarah2106, I can relate as my writing is a blend of print and cursive.  🙂

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