I am completely new to homeschooling and I am very much overwhelmed at the amount of “resources” for homeschooling families. I love the idea of a CM education for my daughter who is currently in kindergarten but with so much information out there, I was wondering if anyone could tell me if starting with the resources that Simply CM offers is enough? I have read through several blogs and so many other resources are recommended….I am looking to simplify our first year and run with a method we can truly count on.
Welcome, Ellie! CM is definitely a method you can count on. If you’re drawn to this method I would recommend that you focus on learning more about it. You may have to put blinders on, so to speak, to keep from getting overwhelmed with all the other options! Sometimes I feel like decision making is far more tiring than homeschooling. Even though I enjoy planning.?
I can definitely say that using what SCM recommends is enough and you’re right in seeking to keep the first year simple. Actually, simple is always a good thing, IMHO.
I have a senior this year and I can definitely say that it has all been more than enough for him. There is a lot more to a CM education than it seems and if you are doing everything that is recommended, you will see that it is enough. Especially true if you add in outside activities for your daughter. But, try not to panic if it doesn’t seem like enough at first and then begin to add in more curriculum, or hands-on activities. It’s hard not to do that but if you can help it, try to keep it simple, but meaty 🙂 Think “quality” over “quantity” and you’ll do fine.
Grr, I tried to post and then my internet died. I’ll have to be a bit brief this time…
Yes! The methods of Charlotte Mason are simple and simply wonderful. It’s enough. The best part is you can apply the methods (narration, living books, etc) to many different books/materials/curricula.
I have enjoyed every resource we have used from Simply Charlotte Mason over the year.
What you will use is likely to be different from me because we have different family compositions. I have a Kindergartener this year – but I also have 8 other children ranging from the 1 year old to the 10th grader. We’ve been homeschooling from the beginning and are comfortably eclectic in our materials but happily Charlotte Mason method-ish in our application of those materials.
Check out the Article Series under the Learn & Discuss tab through the Learning Library link. Especially the ones called “Getting Started” and “Homeschool Approaches” as a beginning point. “The Early Years” series is also good. All these are blog post series on Simply Charlotte Mason’s blog. There are so many more too!
Thank you ladies for the encouragement to simplify and dive in! Great wisdom and confirmation to put the “blinders” on Aimee….I plan on doing just that and knowing this amazing community is here to help, makes me feel confident 🙂
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