Is anyone still using and loving LOF math

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    Thanks ladies!  We’ve just begun using the elementary series with my 4th grader and I thought the older one might like it too.  I had him read the sample chapter and he does indeed like it.  My college age DD wants to use it also to brush up on her math skills, lol.


    I am using LOF elementary with my DD7 and DS5.  DD7 could do the reading and math independently, and has done so a few times, but she balks at having to write out answers.  So we do it as a read aloud, so I can encourage and help with spelling (the first few have them spelling the days of the week and months of the year).  DD7 is in Cats right now.  We are on a light summer schedule, just doing school when we don’t have other things going on, but on ‘school days’ she does 2 or 3 chapters.

    DS5 has just started Butterflies and also does 2 or 3 chapters in a sitting.  I scribe for him, only having him write a few numbers.  Apples works on adding to 7 and Butterflies does 9, so he has learned to write those numbers.

    Disclaimer:  We do lots of living math books and ‘talk math’ all the time.  For example, the other day DS asked DD to teach him about money, and after she showed him all the coins and their values, they spent the rest of the day quizzing each other with questions like “If I have 1 quarter and 2 dimes, how much do I have?”  So they had a solid background before we started Fred (DD in May, DS in July).  I think most 6 year olds could make a good start with LOF, though.  You can go as quickly or slowly as is appropriate.



    Thanks, Joanne. Dd is 6, 7 next month, so I’ll see about this soon.


    We didn’t start the series until ds was 10! He has flown through the books. I decided that we would start from the beginning like a story and glad we did. It’s not necessary but gives you more background story. He is usiing LOF as well as TT5 (but I don’t require TT5 he just decided he wanted to do it)

    Warmest wishes, Renelle


    We purchased the LOF Advanced Algegra and Trigonometry books for our son to supplement the really poorly organized public school math book.  Really, really helped. 

    LOF author introduces math concepts in a much more logical manner than typical text book.  Daughter 11, uses Horizon Math, but during the summer went back to Apples and has worked through all of the books, and we’ll be using Fractions and Decimals this year coming up along with Horizon.

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