Is anyone combining SCM history modules with Ambleside Online?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Is anyone combining SCM history modules with Ambleside Online?

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  • Titus245Mama

    We’re currently in Year 2 of Ambleside Online with our oldest child. I’d like to use Genesis-Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt as well (planned it for last year, but decided to hold off a bit). Has anyone else tried this? How did it work out?


    Thanks in Advance!



    Sara B.

    I actually am doing it the other way around.  I am using SCM’s modules, and just adding in a book or 2 from AO when I find one I just have to have.  Or in some cases, a few chapters, if it’s AO’s spine.  🙂  So far it’s working out very well.  I can’t imagine it wouldn’t work the other way around, too.

    HTH a little!


    We use SCM books for most of our history, AO for lit./read alouds and sort of a combo of both for everything else!  Sounds complicated, but not bad using SCM’s planner book.  I haven’t bought the SCM guides yet, so hopefully somebody else will chime in.  I imagine it could be done as long as the workload isn’t overwhelming.  If the guide is mostly Bible and that’s what you use for Bible, I think it could be a great fit:)  Gina

    Christine Kaiser

    We are in our first year and I “planned” to use some of the American History from AO Y1 in addition to SCM Module 1 but I have to admit we just didn’t get around it yet. We are now in the 7th week of school (first year home schooling) and it seems a little overwhelming for ME to bring in more readings. For now I just put the American History on ice, maybe we’ll getting a better routine down the road and I will pick it up.


    We used AO for the past few years but this year we’re using SCM as our main history study, with some AO books (natural history selections, nature readers, Foster books) included in their reading.  I had thought for a while about doing AO and SCM, and while this could be doable for us, as my dh works 2nd shift and I could technically do a normal AO school day and then in the evenings, instead of t.v., etc, we could do our SCM study.  But that is quite a bit to keep up with and I was concerned that something would not be given the time it deserves. 

    ::shrug:: It’s a tough call.  I really do enjoy both programs for their own unique strengths.  If you can fit them both in, go for it!  They’re both pretty great.  Then again, sometimes less is more.  Yeah, so I’m no help at all.  Undecided

    I hope it all comes together for you!

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