iPad and the Organizer

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  • LindseyD

    I’ve been using our iPad for the last few days to check off our worked on and completed assignments. It’s been so handy to have and easy to use with the Organizer. One minor issue I’m having though…

    When I click on “show assignments not scheduled for today”, it brings up the assignments with the gray arrow next to each one pointing to the right. However, it won’t let me click on the arrow to view the Worked On or Finished button. Is this just something I’ll have to live with because of my iPad? Or is it something which can be easily fixed?

    Also, totally unrelated to my iPad question… I’ve been having another problem with the forum lately. In fact, I’m having to use my iPad to post this because I was getting so frustrated. Every time I go to post to the forum, I type a few sentences, my keyboard and the page locks up, and my browser wants me to kill the page. EVERY TIME! I can’t copy what I’ve written or anything. I thought maybe it was something to do with Chrome, so I tried Internet Explorer. Same thing. Is anyone else having this issue? How are you fixing it? My hubby is a computer genius, and even he can’t get this to stop. Doug?

    Blessings and HAPPY NEW YEAR!



    I don’t have an ipad so don’t know if this will work on it…  but if I clidk on show assignments not scheduled for today, then go right back up to the top of the screen and click on “Expand Everything” – it expands (probably more than you want) everything including the assignments not scheduled for today…..

    could use that for a workaround anyway….


    As for the forum – I’m not having any problems with IE…  did your hubby do the obvious things – clear the internet temp files, history, and maybe even the cookies? (I don’t like clearing cookies personally, but sometimes it makes a difference)   He probably has – but it was just a thought…

    Doug Smith

    Lindsey, We’re not aware of any problem with the forum on any browser. Chrome is usually one of the best browsers so we rarely hear of any problems with it. We’re not running anything intense on the forum pages that should lock the browser anyway.

    As suzukimom suggested, trying clearing your cache and cookies.

    What operating system and version are you using (i.e., Win 7, Win XP, Mac OS X Snow Leopard, etc.)?

    What type of Internet connection do you have (i.e., Cable, DSL, satellite, dial-up, etc.)?

    If you see any error messages it would also be helpful to know the full text of what it says. Thanks.

    Doug Smith

    Oh, I forgot to mention that we’re checking into the CM Organizer issue. We’ll e-mail you privately to follow-up.



    • Operating system: Win 7
    • Internet connection: DSL, 6MB down
    • Error messages: it wants me to kill the pages. No error messages from SCM directly.
    • Cache and cookies were cleared.

    We’ve never had problems with Chrome either or the forum. It’s only done it this week.

    Thanks for the message about the other issue. Smile


    Doug Smith

    Any chance you could get the full wording on the message about killing the page? That might be helpful in figuring out what is happening.

    Doug Smith

    The iPad problem has been mostly fixed now. The only catch is that you’ll have to tap twice to make it work. We’re waiting on a new version of some other software we use in building the Organizer that will completely fix it.

    Christine Kaiser

    I have the same problem if I use the HP notebook (which I totally hate anyways). When I write a post the site freezes up. No problem on my beloved MAC so:).

    Doug Smith

    @ChristineAZ, You may be able to improve things on the HP notebook just by changing to different Web browser software. Google Chrome is a great, free choice.

    Christine Kaiser

    Thank you Doug guess I will do that :). Heard a lot of good things about the google chrome so far.

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