Introductions – where are you from?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Introductions – where are you from?


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    It’s good to do this every so often and “meet” everyone!  I live in southern Iowa with my dh of 21 years and our three very tall sons, lol.  I’m a lifelong Midwesterner although I originally came from Kansas, which has sky . . . I miss sky!  Too many trees here, you can’t use them for giving directions!  We’ve been homeschooling 11 years and have two in high school this coming year.  We’ve been using CM methods for about 8 years.  We are all book lovers and eat in our kitchen because the dining room is now a library.  🙂

    Michelle D

    Thanks for the prayers Des, Betty so glad you are finally in your new to you home, I hope it is all you dreamed of.  Linda


    Hi, Charlene here.  We live in south Louisiana.  DH and I have 4 children (2 bio boys and 2 daughters adopted from China).  We’re trying to adopt #5, working on our dossier.   

    Our boys started out at a Montessori school.  They each did 4 years.  We sent our oldest to the “best” local private school for 1st grace, but pulled him after a month.  He developed an eye tic and was miserable.  At the time, we thought it was b/c he was quite advanced (reading the old Hardy Boys while classmates were still learning and doing multiplications/division while they were learning add/subtract).  We’ve homeschooled for the last 6 years.  We just had him tested last year and was dx with Aspergers which answered A LOT of questions and probably was a big factor in him not fitting in at a traditional graded school.

    It was probably camouflaged at montessori b/c of the mixed age class…  We brought #2 straight home after montessori.  And now #3 and 4 aren’t going at all!  I love how God has gently worked us to where we are.  

    I’m about waist deep in CM–LOL.  It’s taken a while to get here.  I’m hoping by the time the girls are “schooling” I will be in over my head!



    I’m Lindsey! My DH and I have been married for 7 1/2 years, and we have a ds, Ryan, who is 6 and a dd, Addilyn, who is almost 5. We’ve been using SCM since day one of homeschooling, which was about a year and a half ago. Oh, what I would’ve done differently if I had trusted CM on not starting til they were 6!!

    We live in the Texas Panhandle…and we’re the only CMers we know in our area. We are in the process of buying a house right now, and just went under contract on the one we want today!!! Yay!!! God is so good to us!

    I’m so thankful for the SCM team and this site because I couldn’t homeschool otherwise!

    I’m Carrie.  My DH and I have been married almost 9 years (later this month).  We have two sons.  Rylee is 8, Danny is 7.  We live in Maine, midcoast area.  We’ve been homeschooling for 4 years now, although only “officially” (state law here is 7yrs old) this is our second year.  Rylee was in K for about 3 months and we were not happy at all, he was a young K (he started when he was 4, turned 5 after school began).  So we pulled him out of school and just began homeschooling him instead.  This is our first year using CM methods.  We love it!

    We are an outdoors type of family, the boys spend many many hours outside.  We live on 15 acres, most of it wooded. (renting for now)  So they are constantly playing in the trees and small brook.  They also are involved in a few different sports during the year, so we keep pretty busy.  Just finishing up wrestling season, and then right into baseball!

    I love this forum and the encouragement/advice I’ve received on here.  Thanks so much everyone!


    I’m Polly.  I have 3 children, 19 yrs, 9, and 5.  My oldest graduated from homeschool last May.  We currently live in Colorado.  My dh is military and we’ve lived all over the place.  We are hoping to retire here in Colorado.  We have pretty much always used CM methods.  We’ve been homeschooling for 15 years now.

    SCM is such a blessing to me.  I’ve enjoyed meeting all of you!


    Hi What fun, this post is:) I want to make an interactive map, lol, that we can all stick pins in. I am Heidi, hschooling and living on the far west coast of Canada, but we spend a few months commercial fishing each year in Alaska. I have 5dc and 1 son inlaw. My kids are 26ds, 24 (married dd), 22ds, then a 7 year gap( you know, its scriptural, lol) and a 15yods and a 10yodd. All hschooled from the very beginning and all loving the Lord(thank God) even though dsoninlaw was public schooled we love him a lot 😉 I have been married for almost 28 years to a lovely Canadian American! and love the adventure of hschool. We have waffled back and forth between CM and Classical ed for most of our years but found SCM a few years ago when I was writing reviews for TOS. I am now fully loving the CM path and thankful to Sonya for all her hard work that makes our paths so much easier! Good to ‘meet’ you all.




    We live in the Hunter Valley, NSW, too.  We are in Singleton – where abouts are you?  We have 6 children currently, with #7 due in about 4 weeks time, so things are busy.  How nice to discover another Hunter Valley homeschooler!!!

    Linda Smile


    Oops sorry for the double post.


    I’ve never sent a pm before Linda but I have sent you one just a minuet ago. Talk soon


    Hi everyone!  I’m Robin and I live in beautiful upper East Tennessee.  I’ve been married to William for almost 29 years and we have three son, John (19,) Marcus (7 in June,) and Daniel (6) whom we recently adopted from China.  We’re finishing up our 14th year of homeschooling.  We live on a 12 acre farm with two Jersey cows that we milk and their calves and 20 chickens.  I own and operate Children’s Legacy Library, a living books lending library for homeschoolers that houses our 10,000 volume collection.  So you can probably guess we’ve been CMer’s for a long time.  I recently discovered this board fairly recently, however, and it has really helped me put some fine touches on our educating.  Since I’m starting over with my two little boys (my oldest was a senior when Marcus was in K,) I’m glad to be able to plan our course more definitively and gain a fresh vision for what we’re doing.  I’m really grateful for this site, the SCM team, and all you folks.


    I agree with Michelle its good to do this every so often! Its been awhile now.

    I’m Heather, 36, and live in a small town north of Grand Rapids, Mchigan. My husband Tim and I have been married for 16 years and we have 3 boys ages 14, 9 and almost 3.  We’ve been homeschooling for 8 years and only wish we would have known of Charlotte early on. The first couple years were torture in all honesty but Gods grace was sufficient! Its taken this long to finally have great joy and satisfaction in homeschooling. It so good to know you’re all here to share the journey with!



    I agree with Michelle its good to do this every so often! Its been awhile now.

    I’m Heather, 36, and live in a small town north of Grand Rapids, Michigan. My husband Tim and I have been married for 16 years and we have 3 boys ages 14, 9 and almost 3.  We’ve been homeschooling for 8 years and only wish we would have known of Charlotte early on. The first couple years were torture in all honesty but Gods grace was sufficient! Its taken this long to finally have great joy and satisfaction in homeschooling. Its good to meet you all!



    My name is Meagan (as I’m sure you can see from my username Smile) and I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for almost four years now, and we were together for two years before that.  We live in Maryland.  I have three AMAZING step-sons, 14, 11, and (almost) 10.  This is our first year homeschooling, and I love Charlotte Mason, but have been finding it slightly difficult to implement all the methods, especially with our oldest, so we do more of an eclectic mix.  To throw another wrench into things, we share custody of my husband’s children with their mother who lives in upstate New York, about 7 hours from us and not only is this our first year homeschooling, but we are attempting to do it between houses.  This year has certainly been a learning experience, to say the least, but I would not change anything because my husband is such a wonderful father and homeschooling has enabled him to be far more involved in their lives than if they were in traditional school (just one of the many reasons that we love homeschooling!!).


    Hello! My name  is Rebekah, and we live in NE Ohio. My dh and I just celebrated our 13th anniversary last month. We have a 11ds, 9dd, 6ds, 4dd, 2ds, and a son (he would have been 7 this year) and ? (who would have been 1yr  old) waiting for us in heaven. Our oldest  ds attended  a private school  for a  year and a half, after we found out he had dyslexia. I’d tried for 3yrs to  teach him  his ABC’s! I wish I’d known about SCM when I first started  homeschooling, when  he was  5yrs old! It would  have  saved a lot of frustration!  I’m very  glad  we did  find  this website!  Our oldest dd has been homeschooled almost exclusively; she only  attended  preschool when she was 4. Our middle ds has been homeschooled entirely with SCM, and we look forward to beginning to teach our 4yr old this fall. We moved to a 4.5 acre “farm” last year, and are thoroughly enjoying and praising God for it!

    It’s so nice to have this website! Even though I don’t post much, I read quite a bit, and have gotten a lot of help here, especially since  there are no local homeschool groups. Thanks, all of you!!!

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