Introductions – where are you from?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Introductions – where are you from?


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  • anniepeter

    Could I suggest a post of introductions?  I’m curious where you’re all from and if there is anyone near me, etc.  Feel free to post as much or little as you want.  I’ll start…I’m in southeast Minnesota, have 5 kids 16, 14,9,3 and 1. Girl, boy, girl, boy, girl Laughing.  Married 20 years – not all bliss, but very good now.  Homeshcool from the beginning.  I found this site last fall and love it…ordered Spelling Wisdom and Planning Your CM Education and find them very helpful.  I’m trying to align myself little by little with CM.  Have always loved her philosophy – but this site with the resources here are truly simplifying it and helping me to make it happen.  I’m trying to commit myself to developing habits first and foremost – even with my older children (and need I even say myself?).  We lack discipline so much.  I so wish I would have read all CM’s books when I was nursing my first baby…could have saved myself a world of frustrations!  I’m finding it so much easier to start with a clean slate with my little ones.  I’m anxious to see how many of you post now…just a few words is fine…



    Hi, Julie! I’m Tara, live in So. Illinois, and I was so excited to find this site over a year ago! I have 3 girls, Julia, age 7yrs, Claire, 5 yrs., and Sophia, 2 1/2 yrs. I have been homeschooling since my oldest was 3 but didn’t research the different methods of homeschooling until 2 yrs ago when I started my older dd in Kindergarten. I instantly felt a click with Charlotte Mason! I follow SCM curriculum closely right now. It makes life easier! I love getting different ideas for diff curriclum that is out there for the future. I just ordered 106 Days of Creation and the J-M & Ancient Greece book! The CM philosphy has really given me a love nature and learning along with my girls! 

    Nice *meeting* you!



    Well, I’m not FROM Nebraska, but that’s where we live now – I’m guessing that’s what you meant.Wink  Southeast to be specific.  We have Three – almost four GIRLS!  6,4, 18 months and due in June.  Just held a SCM dvd seminar at my house today – I discovered SCM last year when browsing IOWA homeschool conference vendors and fell in LOVE with how “simple” scm really is, so now I’m sharing with my fellow home educators in Nebraska and Iowa!  Next year will be our first fully CM year – following a year 1 schedule from SCM pretty closely right from module 1 in nearly every subject mentioned in the curriculum guide.



    We’re from Central CA.  Began hsing when our oldest was in the 2nd grade in ps.  We have 3 boys and the other two have not been to ps and will reap the benefits of the CM way sooner:)

      Fell in love with some of the resources from this site about 2 years ago, don’t really know now, but that sounds good:)  Been loving the site more and more and have already started the conversion to the CM way.  Spelling Wisdom has been great, we’ve had 106 Days for well over a year now, used the copywork, read Boy of the Pyramids last year,  and we’ve started the Module 5 for history already.  We will have our first *full* year of CM in the fall.  I’m planning, planning, planning as we *type*:)

    It has been such a pleasure to *meet* all of you and gain the wisdom, support, reviews and confidence you have all given me just by reading all of your posts. 

    Hi, I’m Mary.  I have 2 kids ds (6 last Nov.) and dd (3 later this month).  We live in NW IA.  I found SCM a few months ago and was so excited.  I really wanted a curriculum that would allow us to do much of school as a family .  Ds and I are going to start with Matt.-Acts & Ancient Rome this fall.


    I’m Christie and I live in Jacksonville, Fl and have 4 kids – dd9, ds6, dd almost 3, ds 4 months. My kids have been home since birth, so we’ve been in school for a while now. Smile I’ve always loved books and found the CM philosophy when dd9 was in K and we started with AO, moved to HIFI and have comfortably settled in at SCM now because I love the “simple” aspect of SCM and that we are studying so much as a family. We’re finishing up Module 3 and are eager to start Module 4 this summer.  I also run a CM support group and co-op, River City Homeschool Adventures, that hosted Sonya for the 2 day seminar in Jax. last week that ~ 50 ladies attended. It was terrific! 

    This forum is the only one I frequent. The members are so kind and offer great wisdom and advice on a multitude of topics.


    Hi Everyone,

    I’m Renelle, I’m nearly 37 and married to my best friend Gavin for 14 years now. We have 2 children Carter ds8 and Faith dd2. We live in The Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia.

    I fell in love with the gentle art of learning after searching for some way to educate my children with out crushing them with dull, dry work.

    I love SCM and have found the information and support to be of high quality. This curriculum has given us a fantastic guide to a fulfilling education for our children. Carter is only just now beginning to regain that love of learning (spark by spark) and I can see CM methods helping us do that.

    We have been homeschooling for 8 months and brought Carter home from school after a stressful and unhappy 2 1/2 years of giving school a go. It wasn’t until we had him home that I realised how much I had handed over to the school system and it has been the best decision we ever made.

    I now feel our journey as a family is on the right track and our children are happy, inquisitive and eager to live life to the full.  

    I visit this site every night and occassionally in the day on a weekend – so much to learn so little time.

    Lovely to meet you all and I wish you all the best with your homeschooling adventures.





    I’m Tristan, a 28 year old wife of 9 years to one good man.  We have 5 children on earth (ages 8, 5, 4, 2, 1), 1 baby on the way (due in November), and 3 babies waiting in heaven.  We have always homeschooled and are a unit study family.  We are just beginning to incorporate some CM tendencies like narration and nature study, but we love unit studies too much to switch completely to CM.  

    We’re in Ohio. 


    I’m Karen, a 43yo mother of two, ds6 in Feb, dd will be 3 in July. Dh and I will be married 7 years in May (OK, I got a late start). We live in NE MS, halfway between the birthplace of a certain rock and roll legend to the east and the home of a Nobel winning author to the west. (I’m not fans of either, by the way). I’ve been researching homeschooling since long before I had children and knew I wanted a literature-based approach. CM seems to fit in several areas. We’ll be trying it full force come summer, when we start first grade. Right now we’re just doing the hands-on math and a lot of reading.


    Well, my husband doesn’t like me to post too much personal info, so I’m not going to give a lot of info, but here we go.

    I, like Karen in the last post, got a late start to my family.  I am a 41 yo mother of 3, who will be married 9 years in a couple of months.  I have 3 adult step-kids that my dh had custody of when I married him, so I have parented the teenage years before the younger years (unfortunately with teens that hated me on principle!) 

    My kids are Delta (son – 6), Echo (dau – 4), Foxtrot (dau – almsot 2), and we are expecting little Golf (?) in 3 months.  I have grandchildren…  Zulu (boy – almost 7), and Yankee (girl – almost 1)  [yes, these are code names based on the phonetic alphabet]

    We live in Canada, in a pretty homeschooling-friendly province. 

    When I was a teenager (in the 80’s!) I had a family of friends that were homeschooled, which was very unusual.  I remember the mom telling me one day that when I was older and had kids that I didn’t need to feel that I had to rush them off to preschool, kindergarten, etc.  I will admit that this family always seemed a little “wierd” in social situations – but the thought of possibly homeschooling was planted.

    I was SO bored in school, and was somehow always the “picked-on” kid from about grade 4 to about grade 10  (well, grade 10, which was the start of high school, wasn’t too bad…. I did have some friends and was mostly left alone…)    So homeschooling didn’t sound too bad.  All of my siblings dropped out of high school (from being bored mostly) and eventually had to earn it later as adults.  My husband had also dropped out of high school – he joined the military.    Our adult kids all had a horrible school experience – and have all dropped out – and learned lots of things we would have rather they hadn’t.   So we are people who wanted to homeschool before we even had kids. (so to speak…)

    I did a lot of research on homeschooling while the kids were younger, and was half leaning towards “child led”.  I would have loved to do montessori, but it just seemed very expensive to try to get everything just right.  I stumbled on Charlotte Mason somewhere – I think there was an AO link on a Homeschooling your child for (almost) free type of site….  and I did a lot of reading and it sounded like it would fit.  (My dh wasn’t so sure, when I told him that it was from the ideas of a victorian-aged woman)

    So there you go – my history.


    I’m Gina and live in Central Indiana. I’ve been married for almost 15 yrs. to my wonderful husband and have 2 kids, a boy (7) and a girl (10).  I never thought I’d be a homeschooler, but after my daughter was born the couple homeschool families we knew had just the sweetest teenage daughters—very respectful, trustworthy, good attitudes, and actually seemed to enjoy being with their parents. I was hooked on the idea of homeschooling (and now my husband is, too:)

     I’ve loved CM since reading ‘For the Children’s Sake’ when starting our homeschool journey.  However, I felt I needed a boxed curriculum and chose Sonlight.  Great curriculum, but the guide was too much and too hurried for me.  Ambleside seemed too daunting–to put together my own curriculum at the time and I’d never heard of SCM.  So, here we are our a few years later first doing AO and SCM combined and I love the freedom of making our own schedule with great books from these sites to choose from!  :)Gina


    Hi I’m Misty and I’m from MN also.  I have been married to my highschool sweetheart for 12/5 yrs.  We have 6 children and one due in Oct. Keegan11.5, Darby 10, Tierney 8.5, Quinlan6, Sorley 3.5, Fallon 13 months and Due 10/9.

    We have been homeschooling 4 yrs and love it.  Wouldn’t have it any ohter way.  We switched to CM about 2.5 years ago and wished I would have found it from the get go.  We love being outside and being able to be “us” with out all the outside influence from the outside.  We have 10 beautiful acres for the boys to run wild on and we have just last year started to garden.  Glad to meet you all.  Misty


    Hi Everyone,

    I’m Megan from the Texas Hill Country.  I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for almost 12 years.  We have 2 awesome children, dd 6 and ds 4.  I’ll be hsing starting very lightly this summer – (although maybe I shouldn’t call it that yet – just testing the water and keeping learning fun.)  Then in the fall we’ll be officially hsing using SCM – I’m getting really excited about it!  I’m so thankful for this website, and so glad to have found out about CM while my kids are little…although I wish I had discovered it sooner!  

    Nice to meet you all…Laughing

    God bless!



    Hi! I am also from Central California.  Our family has been homeschooling since 1995.  We have three grown children who are finished homeschooling now; we used straight textbooks with them.  We have two adopted little girls and when they were getting close to school age, I started researching online for something other than textbook curriculum. Anything, but more textbooks, I was very burnt out!   I had never heard of Charlotte Mason until then.  I read a couple of the books written about her methods and it was like the proverbial “light going on” moment for me.  The girls are six and almost eight now and we are starting to get the hang of it a bit.  This website has been a God-send for me.  I still have a lot to learn but the girls are young and I can’t believe how much more I love teaching in this relaxed and literature rich environment.bsp;




    Kathy and my3boys – just wanted to say that it’s so exciting to “see” people from Central CA on SCM.  I grew up in Tulare and ALL my family still lives in the valley.  I think doing CM method in the central valley would be SO great, because the weather is so manageable to get out in all year, and I have TONS of great memories of playing outside as a child in the foothills and the Sierras and the fields, as well as occassional trips to the coast.  Take advantage of your mild winters and send warm thoughts my way as this CA girl is freezing her katookis off in Nebraska.  Surprised

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