I have been lurking(and gleaning wisdom) here for awhile now and decided to introduce myself.I am mom to 4 children(17,11,7, and 5 weeks).My dh and I have been married almost 19 years.We homeschool.We live in Alaska.Any other Alaska moms?I am very interested in the CM learning style.My 17yo just has a few more classes and he graduates next year.My 11yo and 7yo will be doing MFW exploring countries and cultures this Fall.We are really looking forward to it.We will also be using Serl’s language lessons,Queen’s language lessons and Rod and Staff math this summer.This Fall for my 11yo, we will be using
SOS language and math.For my 7yo, we will be using Queen’s language lessons and I am not sure what yet for math.
We hope to buy a home this summer.The one we like has an extra room that we can use as a homeschool room so we are really hoping to get it.
Tina, that was such a nice introduction; I enjoyed reading it. A 5-week old! Then congratulations are still in order. So Congratulations and Welcome!! 😀