I would like to gently introduce cursive to my 10 year old son. He has good fine motor skills, and his printing is neat. I DON’T want overkill. I just want a resource that will quickly introduce the proper formation and technique of each cursive letter, and give a little practice.
Then, I intend to turn him loose copying the Westminster Catechism from the copywork book I just purchased.
I guess it depends on what style you want him use. Is the Westminster copybook in cursive? Is so, what style? If you choose that same style, then it would make the copying easier.
I’d say Peterson Directed Handwriting! It has different places to start depending on age etc. Did you know that almost all the lower case cursive letters can be written using combinations of 4 basic strokes? Also it promotes fluency in writing, so that you can write quickly AND nicely.
I recommend either Pencil Pete (inexpensive software) or Cursive First. Both are cheap, easy & effective. I start cursive from age 6 at the beginning and have used both of these. Both kids (dd9 & ds6) have lovely penmanship.
I’m using the cursive lessons in the book How To Tutor by Samuel Blumenfeld. All 3 of my girls are doing it together, it takes about 10 minutes a day. They all sit at the table with a pen and lined paper and I use a white board to show them how to form the letters. Then they write 2 lines of that letter. As they have learned more and more we’ve been making small words. I also made 3×5 cards for each of them with the cursive letters drawn in marker, for them to have right in front of them. We do 2 or 3 letters a day, or 2 or 3 words.
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