Hello. My name is kelley and this is our 4th yr hs. We’ve tried something new every year trying to find a fit for our dc: dd(1st), dd(5th), and ds(9th). We’ve used SL, WTM, Weaver, and are using CLE. I’m just wondering about CM. Do you just buy the recommended books and use the library? I saw the Modules page so I know there are lesson plans (great).
Has anyone started their dc with CM after using so many different programs?! Will this work out for HS? Like I said, we are using HS Plus with CLE so we’re used to “grades” for a transcript. We live in MO so there are no assessments, graduation requirements (only the ones used by the college of choice), etc.
I have very reluctant writers, so I’m also concerned that if there is tons of writing, they would be as miserable as they are with the overly structured worktexts.
I’m sorry to ask so many random questions, but my dc are getting very frustrated and I’d love to let them know that there may be something out there for next year that they’d enjoy.
PS….dd (5th) avid reader, loves playing piano, struggles with math/english (kind of hard to keep her in her seat!LOL; ds(9th) also loves to read, extremely outdoors-oriented, struggles with math/english. <Wasn’t sure if this info. would help any…:)
Hi Kelley, and welcome. I’m not a SCM expert, but we’re finishing our 14 year of hsing using many of Charlotte’s methods. I think it will be a perfect fit for your family. Her ways are so non-stressful if we allow them to be…more of a lifestyle, really. Yes there is “school time” but if you adhere to Charlotte’s advice of short lessons and full attention, it will be much more pleasant. I would work on building the skill of oral narration. As your children get older, they can move more easily into written narration. Even your oldest child should start out with oral narration. It will help him read attentively, organize his thought and express them. Find as many things as possible that your children can study together and read the best living books you can find. For yourself, I can’t recommend Sonya’s All-Day Seminar and Planning Your CM Education highly enough. The first will give you a wonderful understanding of Charlotte’s philosophy and how to teach each subject. The second will help you put it all in place. Spend time here reading old posts and asking lots of questions. These ladies are great help.
What Module would you recommend starting for all 3 dc? (1st, 5th, 9th). Would I put them all in the same module? Start with #1 so it’s in order?
Could you give me some suggestions on a gentle Math program for my soon-to-be 10th grader? He is currently in CLE Algebra I and having a terrible time. I’m not sure if we should stop here and continue next year, stop here and find a different Algebra curriculum for next year, or just go on to Geometry next year (Yikes!!).
Is there a basic “plan” that most CM users follow for HS? He’s also struggling with English, so I’d love your opinion on that, too.
We’ll be using Apologia next year for either Chemistry or Marine Biology. He’d love Zoology, but I don’t think they have a HS program.
Sorry about the long post and so many questions!! I guess to summarize my questions:
#1-What to do about this year’s Algebra? #2-Could you give me a sample run-down of CM-style books for each subject….I don’t mean library books, maybe the main book for the subject(?)…does that make sense?
Welcome to SCM’s forum. You’ll find lots of wonderful support and advice here!
I recommend you pick one history module for all of your kids, it will simplify your life so much! If you want to use Sonya’s handbooks that lay out all of your Bible, History and Geography for all of your kids, then I’d choose either modules 1 – 4 because those have the handbooks available now. These handbooks are TERRIFIC and you can see samples online. If the handbooks aren’t important to you, then pick whatever module you want, perhaps with an eye toward what you want your oldest to do between now and graduation.
In fact, I suggest combining your children for as many subjects as possible!
CM style education is very flexible and there are many options available. No, I don’t think there is any one plan that most CMers follow for HS, but the curriculum guide here on SCM’s site will give you a great plan or a start to a great plan. Also, some people use “spine” books and others do not. Again, the best place to start IMO is the curriculum guide on this site and then check out the bookfinder.
I second Robin’s recommendation of Sonya’s videos, they are simply the best thing out there for giving you the nuts and bolts of how to implement a CM education!
For math, check out Systematic Mathematics. I’ve heard great things about it and I intend to use it with my kids when they get to that point.
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