Let me begin by saying that this group is a wonderful encouragement! I have also used so many of the great resources and I’ve learned so much.
My name is Amanda and we just started our first year of homeschooling (dd, 10; dd, 9; and ds, 7). Although I’m from California, I have been a missionary teacher in Japan for the last 4 years and I was a public school teacher for 7 years before that. I am very excited to begin the homeschool journey and I love the CM philosophy. All during my teaching career I was implementing CM but didn’t even know it . We have been living in Japan as missionaries for the last 4 years but, due to the economy, my husband has accepted a government civilian job on the local military base here. This job provided the means for me to stay home this year to homeschool and continue volunteering in our local church.
This brings me to my prayer request. While I know in my heart of hearts that God provided this and that He is aksing our family to keep walking by faith, my husband is having serious second thoughts about me staying home. A benefit of his job is free schooling for our kids through the Department of Defense (something coveted by the overseas community here) and that would allow me to work/substitute. He is flat out panicking about being a single income family, as this would be the first time, and I see him relying on himself instead of the Lord. The last four years have been quite a humbling experience and I know he just wants to provide as much as he can for us. He sees us both working as a way to start saving and (finally!) pay off student loans. I have shared my heart about homeschooling, which is a desire I’ve had since our children were infants. I’ve shared that by him working and allowing me to stay at home he is providing us with more opportunities and “treasure” than any 2nd income could.
I guess I’m just anxious and I don’t want my heart to get broken. I also don’t want to see my husband trust in the wrong things. If you’ve read all this thanks for hearing me out and thanks for your prayers. I am looking forward to getting to know people here a bit better.