I have been lurking for a while and decided it was finally time to join the group! My name is Rachel and I have two daughters. My oldest is 4 1/2 and my youngest is 9 months. I was homeschooled through high school using an eclectic style and have always known I would homeschool my own children. I randomly picked up The Charlotte Mason Companion a year ago at the library and have completely fallen in love with Charlotte Mason’s ideas! I have started doing some readings with my daughter and am loving it!
I am looking forward to getting to know all of you!
And if any of you live in central Iowa I would love to chat!
Welcome Rachel, nice to have you here. I hope you will find much to enjoy on this forum – it is a friendly and helpful place for all kinds of things. Blessings, Linda
Welcome, Rachel! You’re very fortunate to have found CM early in your journey with lots of time to plan and just enjoy your kids for a time before needing formal education. This is a great place to hang out:) Gina
Welcome, Rachel. Read all those great CM teaching resources now while they are little so you are ready when they are older. You will learn much here, too. Keep your eyes out for booksales to start building your home library with good living books, a little at a time. 🙂
So glad to have an actual homeschooled MOM on the forum. :). Would love to hear of your experiences and what you remember the most about it….if you want to share. 🙂
Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I look forward to learning from you guys!
And simple home, one of my favorite parts of being homeschooled was snuggling up on the couch and listening to my mom read aloud for hours. Isn’t homeschooling fabulous?! The other plus side of having been homeschooled is that I know that it works. I have some friends who are just geting started homeschooling and they are struggling both with trusting that homeschooling does work and a lack of support from their families. I am blessed that I have the experience to know for certain that it works, and obviously, my parents support us. And thankfully, my in-laws make it a policy not to comment on our decisions so if they feel negatively about it they are keeping it to themselves! lol
Wow, can I borrow your in-laws? Welcome to the forum. I’m sure you’ll find lots of homeschooling buddies here, even if they are only online. Blessings to you and your family.