I tried another intro, and can’t find it now, so I am trying a different approach It may be my last post was too long. Anyway, I have two boys 11 and 8, and I have used crclm in the past with a CM bent, and chose to do this as I never felp confident to go all the way no crclm as I felt I needed the days planned out for me. I just found SCM however, and am intrigued as to whether I could pull this off. How long would a typical days reading/studies/work whatever you call it, take for lets say 6th or 7th grade? Also, how do you know what books to chose? I think this is one of the main reasons I have always wanted someone to chose the books for me, it’s because I don’t know what I’m supposed to be going over with him and I don’t want to harm him accademically! However I am also at the point where what we chose for this year seems to be going at a pace where we can’t stop and smell the roses so to speak, I feel as though I would like to set more of the pace, but I am afraid especially now that he is coming into the higher years!
Hopefully someone sees this, thanks for your help!
Hello, and welcome! I have to jump back into school and mealtime right now, so I can’t properly reply to your post, but I did find your earlier post. Ruth replied to it, and I’m sure you will want to read her post, so here is the link to your original thread: http://simplycharlottemason.com/scmforum/topic/intro-and-question-reg-posbl-transition
Welcome LaDonna! My kids are also 11 and 8. I think that for now you could go strictly SCM and feel confident in that. Then, once you’re in a comfortable routine over the next year or two you can determine whether you need any more for h.s. I’m not there yet so can’t speak to it:) I use SCM’s “Planning Your CM Education” and it’s a huge help to plan out your days, weeks, etc. with guidelines for each subject to know you’re covered (and free downloadable schedules to print). I then pick resources from both here and Ambleside Online to fill in each subject area. My 6th grader (12 years) takes approx. 5 hrs. a day and a large part of that is independent. If you want any more details, please feel free to ask! Blessings, Gina
My kids are about your children’s age and I use what has already been recommended. I use the Free Curriculum Guide as a framework and then pick and choose what works for us at the time.
Thank you so much ladies for the welcome and help as I get used to how things work around here. Also thanks to Ruth and for linking me to the previous post Sue:) I am going to continue to pour thru the site here and take in all that I can as I am feeling as though this will be our direction. I just have to wait on the Lord and hearing from Him. I have been so uptight about feeling inadequate and unable (perhaps a little unwilling even at times) that I was in tears last week and desperately scrambling/searching. Then, when I was in church on Sunday, God reminded me that He speaks to His people, He did then, and still does now, He never changes! All this in spite of the mssg that was coming from the pulpit! I felt as though I was being told I wasn’t trusting Him that in HIS timing, He will driect my path. So, here I am on the SCM discussion board, and I thank you all and look forward to gleaning and growing as I seek the Lord on behalf of my family.
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