Intermediate Language or Spelling/Dictation and Typing

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Intermediate Language or Spelling/Dictation and Typing

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  • Jodie Apple

    Our 10 year old just completed Serl’s Primary Language Lessons and as I was looking at the next level of those type of books (EFTTC 2 and Intermediate LL) I was noticing how most of the lessons are picture study, nature study, poetry, etc. based lessons.   If we already have incorporated picture study, nature study and poetry into our week would this be necessary?  If not, I’m wondering what the next step would be.  JAG part 1 along with Spelling Wisdom and typing?  Any thoughts would be appreciated!

    Sonya Shafer

    I would agree with the Spelling Wisdom and typing. JAG would be optional at this point, I think. 

    Just my $0.02 worth. Smile

    Rachel White

    We use ILL and Spelling Wisdom. We do PLL/ILL daily and SW on Monday as copywork, then he looks it over all week then we do the dictation Fri. morning. I skip the picture study and nature study, as we do that all ready, and don’t require all the poems to be memorized, but go over the poems that teach on the structure of poetry and language, however.  ILL is Language arts, teaching prepositions, pronouns, etc., whereas SW is just spelling and punctuation, capitalization without the rules, unless you teach them. I think it depends whether you want to continue with the same gentle but thorough style as PLL, just more advanced (and can apply 2-3 years of ILL), or get into more intensive grammar drill of JAG/AG at her age. You could do ILL, skipping those lessons you find redundant, combine w/SW and typing, and then by around 13, she’ll definitely be ready for one of the more intensive grammar and/or writing programs.

    If you only do typing and SW, you won’t having any significant grammar instruction, beyond the three I mentioned above, IMO. Have you looked at Simply Grammar? I think you can request some sample pages from the publisher and I think it’s only a year or two program.

    Just some of my thoughts, Rachel

    Jodie Apple

    Thanks ladies!  I was leaning toward Spelling Wisdom and typing for sure, and I really want to relax about grammar;  (paradigm shift is still in process–I’ll be glad when it’s 100% complete!)  My heart says don’t worry about grammar right now, but my brain has relapses of public school mindset every now and thenWink.  

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