Thanks for this Claire. I had been thinking of looking up definitions based on the recent discussions.
My son is 5 and kindergarten age, so maybe my perspective will change, but here’s what I’m thinking.
Based on these definitions, I don’t think rigorous is the word I would use for our homeschool. In these younger years I am not concerned with being extremely thorough or exhaustive. Accurate, yes. I think our approach is to have a good depth to our studies, but leave room to go deeper where the interest lies. Charlotte said to spread a feast, not load up the child’s plate and make sure they clean it.
Challenging is a better word for us. ‘Testing one’s abilities’ – some of my thoughts: focus should be on ability, not inability (the child should be able to succeed at a level that requires effort); the child has put himself to the test and knows of what he is capable. The reward is the challenge, the effort. There is no reward in succeeding at something that requires no effort, likewise, there is no reward in attempting something you know you are unable to do.
Any other thoughts on this?