Inter-Library Loan?

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  • the9clarks

    I’m about to start SCM curric. for the first time and had a question about the history books. We’re going to be doing Module 6 and our library only has 4 of the books we’ll need, so I was planning to do inter-library loan for the rest. Is there any particular order I should be reading them in; will ILL work for this? I may buy a few, but I hate doing that w/ books I know little about.




    The guide book is soon going to be printed, and it will have the order for the books, but that doesn’t help you too much if they don’t come in time with the guide’s schedule.  My library only has a few of them too, and most are going to have to be ILL.  I can’t ever get ILL books in the right order, so I’m probably going to be looking for more substitutions than using the ILL.  I was going to just get a timeline from history books we already have, or you could get a generic history encyclopedia at the library, then put the books in order by subject.  Maybe someone else has a better idea.  Also, SCM changed the booklist recently, and I had written down the other one and our library had more of those.  I think there was a link on here with the old list, or I could send it to you if you wanted to try those as well.  Adrienne 


    I’d talk to your children’s/reference librarian (or the person in charge of requesting the ILL books).  They may have a way to pace the books better based on your timing situation. With summer approaching, you may be able to receive them at a different pace than during the school year. If you are using this purely as a way to decide on whether you should purchase the books, or not, this might help narrow the decision down. Then, you can order those you’d like to own in time for the traditional start of the school year. Just request the few that are left two weeks before you’d want to read them. If they come in early, check to see if renewal is possible.  That might place them exactly where you need them. If not, read them anyway and save those you own for after the ILL is completed. 

    Another thought…don’t stress so much on order, even if you are using the modules. If a book comes in sooner or later than needed, just preface it with, “Remember when we talked about …,?” or “we will be learning about … soon on the timeline and this book is about the event/place/person.”. Children seem to easily adapt to these kinds of circumstances. At least that’s been the case with our five dc. Actually, they deal with it better than I deal with books being out of order according to the plan. ;0). It doesnt seem to bother them. They just love to learn. 

    An idea for helping yourself and your children to be able to “place things into context” is to study and/or memorize a timeline. We happen to use the Veritas Press timeline cards for this purpose. It is not complete, but it does work well for a framework of events. You’d likely want to add more to a personal timeline or Book of Centuries, but having a handle of the order of quite a few historical events really seems to help the books fall into place even if read out of chronological order. 




    I do a fair amount of ILL throughout the year, but what I usually do is request them way ahead (like now) in smaller groups for planning purposes, look through them to make sure I want to use them, then I stagger when I order them through ILL during the actual school year. Our library system does allow renewing for most ILL books, and often I find that these books are old enough (or, sadly, just not requested often) that no one else is asking for them while I have them.

    I also agree with Becca, that your children will probably be able to sort out things read in an order that is not completely chronological. After all, earlier this year, I read historical fiction about WWII and now I’m reading something from the Civil War era, and it’s pretty straight in my mind. That will come more easily to them as you work on a timeline.


    After looking them all up on Amazon (and finding most of them were about $5), I bought all but 2. lol So that shouldn’t be a problem with ILL. I assume that the SCM history books are listed in chronological order, is that right?



    Way to go! I do the same thing as what you did – buy them used. I got tired of the delay at the library with ILL, and then I would end up with late fees that would pay for half the price of a used book! I love that since we own it, we can go back to it if we want to. My ds8 is very visual and often looks back in a book, especially if he is explaining something to someone. I also like using when I can find them from the same shipping location and save a little more money.

    I assumed the same thing, that they are listed in SCM in chronological order.


    Our library allows only 5 ILL per year per patron, so we use them very sparingly. I have to admit I like owning the books and as Sarah said, we often go back to them.

    9clarks, glad you found them so cheap!

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