Insight on attitude with real classes

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  • Aerkick2

    I pray that someone has something to offer me on this situation we have. Our 5 yr old son is very resistant toward certain outside activities. First let me state that he is actually pretty out going not shy. He chose these classes on his own. He loves our homeschool studies and loves to learn. Now for the issues. He takes piano once a week for 30 mins he plays soccer once a week for 1 hr and he started Sunday school at our church this September. Before every class/practice he’s a crying whining mess yelling “I don’t want to go to (insert here)! I don’t like it! I don’t want to go ever ever again!” This goes on right up til the start of the practice he reluctantly goes through through the practice enjoying it maybe 30%-40% then as soon as it’s over goes back to the crying about how he doesn’t want to do it again. Today at Sunday school he kept crying that he wants to do it (school) at home not there.

    This is very exhausting for all if us. Mentally and physically it just drains us all. My husband and I don’t know if letting him stop or not stop gives him the wrong message now or as he gets older, what are we teaching him by making him or letting him quit… We just don’t know what to do. He loves his co-op classes he loves his homeschool lessons he loves his friends. I have more to type but the kids need me right now, anything you have to share is appreciated thank you!



    Btw I meant to retype the heading on this I meant to label them as more extracurricular activities 🙂


    HI Angela,

    Sometimes younger children are not ready for alot of activities. My son when he was 4 I had put him on soccer,and lots of school work. He fought, cried, whinned. The following year I realized that his body was taking this all in, but was way too much for his nervous system. I let off the following 2 years, after he was much better in joining a baseball team then-[when they are this young they still don’t see the whole scope of the game still until 10 yr old or later!]At 5 1/2 slowly learning, I picked an interested area/or areas–1. he loved “books”, so we read to him enlessly more so[tiring for us, but worth it], then adding other school work little by little, did park days–with lots of time involved. Today he is in the 10th grade. a voracious reader,and loves writing, plays 3 intruments,is in the Symphony,he is above reading at collage level. I also want to say that in Findland & Swizerland children don’t start school until when they 7 and 8 years old. Hope this helps.

    🙂 Olga


    At 5 I would probably let him off. Maybe insist on completing a session if you have paid for it and it isn’t too long but don’t insist on all 3 activities continuing. I suspect he will outgrow it. But I would also be interested to know why he doesn’t like them. Can you get anything out of him on that?



    I would also like to comment that I had a child that was very similiar.  He just didn’t want to do much and I was a bit worried at first.  But like Olga mentioned, it might be too much for him.  He is very young and may just need more time at home with you to feel confident and secure.  We did let our child “out” of the activities that he was signed up for and waited two years before trying again.  And we went VERY slowly with just one thing, even if that one thing was just Sunday School.  Some people just have a temperment that bends towards quietness and small doses of social contact.  Or he might just not be ready and my blossom in social settings when he is a bit older.

    Hope that all makes sense!!



    My 5YO is definitely not ready for any of those activities. The funny thing is that her 4YO sister IS ready for some of those things. My 4YO decided on her own that she wanted to do Taekwondo with her brothers, but my 5YO refuses to even consider participating.

    Anyway, I wouldn’t push it. He’ll eventually be ready (and then you’d wish he’d stay home more!)


    I don’t see a point to pushing out of the home activities at this age. It’s just not worth the emotional turmoil. There’s plenty of time for them later down the road. If you delete the activities and he asks to attend again at some point, you’ll know he’s ready.


    I agree with what these ladies have said; I wouldn’t force him if he doesn’t want to go.  He wants to be at home and with you and he is only 5 years old.  If he was 15 I would worry about the letting him quit thing but at 5 I don’t think that will be an issue.  Maybe ask him if there is just one thing he would like to do.  My just turned 6 year old has done Sunday School since he was 3 but that was all he did.  This fall he has started another church group called pioneers that his older siblings are in and he is fine but every child is different and you just have to “play it by ear”.  Good Luck!



    I agree that 5 is awfully young for all these activities, but what is more telling to me is that you let “him choose” all these activities. That and his freedom to pitch a fit when he doesn’t get his own way suggests that maybe what you have is not an “attitude problem” but an authority problem. Five years old is far too young to be calling the shots. He should be learning the habit of obedience at this age, not doing what he wants to do when he feels like doing it. If it were me I would pull him out of activities and work on that for a whilewhen he is obedient and able to control himself more, he can be blessed with more opportunities to grow in other directions, but obedience and teachability is foundational.


    My phone limits my ability to express myself fully (and, apparently to punctuate well). Anyway, didn’t mean to sound harsh….but for your family’s sake he really needs to know where he stands while he is still young :-).


    Thank you for all your responses. My husband I agree that it’d be best to lay off and not cause him stress with these activities. I appreciate your feedback, parenting can be so difficult when you have the best intentions for your child but really have to understand the developmental aspect of their young beings . We will just shower him with love and Introduce these things in a more relaxed way for him if he desires and let him enjoy. Thanks again!

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