Input please: equal to 1 credit?

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  • Rachel White

    Would you consider this as equal to 1 full English and Lit. Credit for 9th? Our first part of school fell apart due to my son’s depression, so now that he’s more stable, I am trying to catch up.

    1 semester of Lightning Lit. Amer. Lit. Early American

    One class from Jan -May Intro to Essay Writing (includes some befinner lit. Analysis). Materials: Writeshop II, Animal Farm, Tarzan, a Sherlock Holmes story, and one other.

    6wk online Lit. Analysis class (after Intro… class)

    Finishing Megawords 3 and 4 (spelling and vocab)

    Growing with Grammar levels 6 & 7


    Well? Thanks.


    Credit hours can be counted by completing a course (such as One Year Adventure Novel or Apologia Biology) OR by counting hours spent working on the subject.  If you are counting hours the general guideline is 135-150 hours, with a lab course at the upper end of that range for 1 credit.

    Rachel White

    Thank you. I found out that the online Intro…Essay class is worth 1/2 credit, so that, combined with the LL semester course, which is also 1/2, will work it out fine.

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