Inference and analogies

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  • Selena Hand

    Ladies, I really need some help. My daughter has went to a couple of speech therapy sessions over the past few weeks. We love her therapist, but it really has me worried. My daughter is 10 years old. I have allowed her to narrate her Bible, History, and all of our other classes as she has seen fit. At times I have asked the “wh” questions to help guide her along, but we have not made it to predictive outcomes. This does have me worried because our education is not worksheet based. I feel that the therapist is focusing more on these inference and analogy than she is on actually making sure my child is properly pronouncing words such as rain, water, and so on. Is there anything that I am missing in the Charlotte Mason idea of education that I am doing wrong? Is there anything that you ladies could help direct me to in order to help us get past the inference and analogy part of speech therapy? May I also add that I am horrible at analogies. As much as I love to read and write, it’s never been my strongest ability in ELA.


    Thank you ladies,

    Selena Hand


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>My older son had 2.5 years of speech therapy and my younger son 1.5 years.</p>
    I am not quite understanding what your daughters speech therapist is doing. She wants your daughter to find the specific meaning in a story? My boys would often have stories read to them and then they would talk about what they read as the therapist worked on specific sounds, such as looking at the page and pointing to something specific to say such as “red scarf” when working on “r” sounds. They would not have to tell what a story meant, but often retold the stories.

    My boys therapy really revolved around talking and having conversations while tying in the challenging sounds and improving skills. Often they would play board games or other types of games and the therapist would tie in the learning to keep it fun and emcpuraging.

    Specific “who” questions can be challenging. Open ended questions such as “what did you remember about what the girl did in the story?” leaves a lot more variety of answers available for the student to pull from because the little girl from the story might have gone for a walk, saw a bird on her walk, or made it home in time for dinner (story dependent for answers).

    Also watching my boys in speech therapy for so long, they are thinking so hard about saying things correctly that getting the words out was sometimes hard, why their therapists did so much in the form of play because it was more relaxed and less pressure.

    Not sure if that helps or not.

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