Indepent reading in the SCM modules??

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    How do you handle these?? Do you wait to have your dc read from them when they come up in the lessons or do you assign them to read from them, say, 2 days a week no matter what??

    Let me explain: We are using Mod. 1. I am doing “the next lesson” and do not have our week scheduled by days, such as: Monday (Geo), Tuesday (Bible), Wednesday (History), and so on. I don’t even know how to do that, so we just do the next lesson. I have this Module scheduled Tues-Friday.

    If you did it the way I do would you assign the independent reading like I described above or wait until it is assigned in the lesson??

    I hope I’m making sense…this is another of those, “I’ve seen this on someone else’s schedule and now am wondering about my own schedule.”

    Thanks again.


    I tend to tweak the bible, history, geo modules. I pluck them apart. We do simply do the next thing, but Tuesday’s we do the next American history, Wednesdays the next geo. or whatever. We miss days and get “behind” more often than I’d like, but we just keep going. If I were doing the module as written I’d simply schedule it m-f or whatever and do the next lesson. I would read the lessons as they come up. Does that help?


    We do not have set days for the module, as you mentioned, except that our map drill day is always Thursday. We simply do the next lesson, and I omit the assigned geography lesson in the module. We also have a four-day week. I assign the independent reading as it is scheduled in the lesson. For example, one of our previous history lessons covered Horatius during the Family reading and also assigned Chapter 10 (I think) of Detectives in Togas to ds8. So that’s what we did that day. Sonya and Karen have already done the hard part of scheduling the lessons, so I don’t feel the need to make it any harder on myself. 

    We took all of last week off for a vacation, so this week we’re doubling up our history lessons. By Thursday, we’ll be caught up in exactly the same place as we would if we hadn’t missed last week. That meant today we did one history and one Bible lesson. Also, as previously mentioned, I omit the scheduled geography lessons in the modules and replace them with our map study on Monday and map drill on Thursday. Still, we have a history or Bible lesson on Mondays and Thursdays and just “do the next lesson”.

    I hope that’s as clear as mud. It makes sense the way we do it; I guess I’m just not very adept at explaining it in type!


    Yes, that makes sense….Thank you. I will work on that so that I feel we’re accomplishing more throughout the week.

    Thanks again.


    I’m just starting this myself w/Module One, so take w/a grain:) But what’s working so far is on my kids daily schedule they have ‘history reading.’ Four days/week for 7th grader, 3 days/week for 4th grader. They don’t read every day scheduled, only if I’ve given them a book. So, my 7th grader just started Golden Goblet (I gave it to her when the guide said to). She reads it 4 days/week until done. Then she’ll take a break from independent history reading until the next reading is assigned. Does that make sense? Just easier for me than continually having to assign a certain amount.  We’ll see how it goes…..   :)Gina


    I think what is bothering me from how I have it scheduled, although I know we’ll get there, is that we haven’t started Map Drills yet. We started school Aug. 1st with a 3 week on/1 week off year-round schedule. We only have 4 days to accomplish what we can since we have co-op one day a week. I know we’ll get there but am bothered by the slow-ness of it all (not the module, but my “schedule”). If I jump ahead and do a map drill before it’s time then I feel out of place when it comes up in the module. I’m not usually so worried about this type of thing and I think you’re right, Lindsey, I’m making something difficult that Sonya and the Team have already done for me…hmmm…

    Maybe Aunt Flo is on her way…sorry Doug.


    Thanks Gina. We were typing at the same time 🙂

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