Independent games for younger kids

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  • CJKJ

    Do you have any suggestions for some independent games for my younger kids? We have several board games that require reading or certain things you have to do that they are not mature enough for (dexterity, etc.) Anyway, my goal is to have some games that all my kids can do together (9 year old, 6 year old and 4 year old).

    Any suggestions? I am hoping for something they can play by themselves for the times that I am cooking or doing other work – the times that I usually let them watch TV.


    Could the 9yr old and the 6yr old teach the 4yr old Old Maid or Go Fish? Or how about a memory card game with different levels (in case the 9yo thinks it’s too easy or beats the others too often)?



    We have a couple of drawing games that even young kids like.

    For the first game, you’ll need a sheet of paper for each person playing. Fold each paper into thirds and pass out to each person. Everyone draws a head on the top third of the paper without showing anyone else. When finished, fold or turn the paper so the head doesn’t show and then pass the paper to another person. Now everyone draws a middle section of a body in middle third of the paper. Flip so that part doesn’t show and pass to the next person. Now everyone draws the feet of a creature in the bottom third. When finished, pass the paper a final time and unfold to reveal the creature. This part usually sends everyone into giggles. Silliness and crazy creatures are encouraged when drawing!

    For the second game, draw a simple drawing or series of shapes on a piece of paper. Everyone has a minute or so to study the drawing. Cover the original drawing and everyone draws it from memory. When finished, compare to the original. There are no “points” or a winner, just a fun memory game.

    We’ve enjoyed these games with family members of all ages. Grandparents like them too!


    Sequence for Kids, Trouble, Shutes and Ladders.


    Candyland, Hi-Ho-Cherry-O, War (played with whatever cards you like – I often have them play lowest number wins or play 2 cards and the highest combination wins or other variations), Uno, Jenga, Blokus. Easier jig-saw puzzles might work too.

    For solo play we like Mighty Mind, Super Mind, and Traffic Jam Jr.

    Mine all like to color in coloring books or make their own comics and play with playdough during “mom needs to get something done time.”

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