Independence Day Lesson for Sunday School

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Independence Day Lesson for Sunday School

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  • Sue

    I am teaching the 5-11yo Sunday School class this week, and I’d like to depart from our regular curriculum to incorporate something about Independence Day (July 4th – U.S.) in our class.  Any ideas or links to lesson material? We usually do Scripture readings/lesson, a snack, prayer, games, a simple craft….some or all of those things, depending on how long each individual part takes.




    Well, I guess I’ve adequately answered my own question.  I searched for a few ideas, not finding a whole lot that was quick and readily usable, but there was enough out there to give me some thoughts on basing my lesson and activities on John 8:32 “….the truth will make you free.” (Some versions read “will set you free,” but I’ll save that for another discussion. Wink)

    I like the idea of talking about being set free from sin alongside the celebration of our nation’s freedom. Last year, July 4th fell on Sunday, and it was harder to keep everyone’s focus on a lesson….two of our kids were marching in the parade at noon, my former boss was Grand Marshal (I was so excited to see her–she’s a missionary at age 80+), and we all dashed out of the classroom as soon as the service was over. This year, hopefully, we’ll all be paying better attention!

    To quote my former boss regarding holidays and work ethic: “It’s a holi-DAY, not a holi-WEEK!” Laughing

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