Incorporating CGC with 106 Days Creation

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Incorporating CGC with 106 Days Creation

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  • Renee

    Has anyone used the 106 days of Creation with a wide age range? I have a 6 year old up through a 12 year old and was confused on how much of the CGC I should use. For example… There is the simple family lesson for Lesson 1, then it says Older Kids should do p. 3 of CGC. Does that mean that I should verbally do Lesson 1 of CGC as well with the older kids? Or strictly just give them p. 3? There’s a lot it appears in the CGC Teacher Manual for each lesson and was just confused at how to implement that along with the 106 days of Creation. Just doing the 1 page worksheet seemed like I might be missing something?

    Sonya Shafer

    I didn’t use all of the stuff given in the Teacher Manual for each lesson. Mainly I looked for explanations of the sheet we would be completing, and usually I just summarized that material as needed. Feel free to use as much or little of the other activities given in the Teacher Manual to fit your family. Don’t worry about missing something; this course is meant to be an overview. The older children will go much more in depth in the upcoming years when they study biology and such.

    Hope this helps!


    Thank you SO much, Sonya!  Super helpful and makes a ton of sense. Thanks for simplifying this that I was about to over-complicate 🙂

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