if you where me…what would you do with this schedule?

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  • morgrace

    I will need to work at home one afternoon a week. By starting work right as the baby takes an afternoon nap, I should be able to finish the majority of my work, with maybe some left for after bedtime. This means my two older kids will need to be inside with me while I am working. SO…. what to do for them?? We’ve done nature videos in the past, I haven’t tried an audio book yet, so that’s an idea. They need to be “self-entertaining”, I can’t really particpate in any activity with them and work. I’m trying to avoid lots of screen time, and wish they could be outside in the afternoons as they are most of the time. Sigh. Mornings I do school with my son, and I’ve already tried a 4 day school week and it was not a good fit. I could try shortening the morning school schedule and then the rest of the morning outdoors, but what to do when they come in? Ack! I really need them occupied, because too many interruptions and  I end up staying up late night after night trying to finish work and being crabby from lack of sleep!


    How old are your older 2?  How long do you need them to be occupied?  Can you work if they are in the room with you, or do you need quiet?



    I turned my breakfast nook into an office. The windows overlook the backyard so I can sit at my desk and work in the afternoons and my three children can play outside. I keep the windows open so I can hear them and can see most of the yard. We also do quiet time – everyone reads or draws quietly for an hour on their bed. My youngest takes a nap during that time.

    It might not work to move your work area so you can observe them outside but it’s an idea. I am also fortunate to live out in the country and in a very safe area.



    Do they have any independent school work that could be saved until the afternoon? That might free up some time in the morning for some outside time.  Another idea I had is handicrafts. They could use this time to work on a handicraft that they are comfortable with so they wouldn’t need your help. If they are old enough baking? My oldest two LOVE to bake. They would bake everyday if I would let them. They always want to bake for the neighbors, teachers at church, anyone. They could also use this time to do some of their own chores that they have always done. If they would normally do them earlier have them wait until “work hours” on this day.  And to not use screen time every week maybe if they do well the other three weeks then the fourth week of the month they could earn a screen afternoon with some of the things you mentioned. Just a few ideas.  And I also second the quiet time for an hour. My children use to hate it now they look forward to it!  What a blessing to be able to work from home!


    Sorry, I should have said how old they are – ds almost 7, dd 4, ds 1. (Baby would sleeping though.) I can’t move my work area, which is downstairs, there is an area they can play near it and no, I don’t need it quiet, I just need them busy and occupied without my direct involvement. I’ve tried working while they are resting (quiet time), but end up running up and down the stairs telling them to be quiet and not wake the baby. They like to tell each other about the books they are looking at.Laughing

    I could try having them take their quiet time for an hour downstairs though, hadn’t thought of that until now. Maybe I could conjour up something like those preschool nap mats or beanbags or something. I really need an additional least two hours after rest time, ideally the whole afternoon, but maybe we can work into that.

    We live in the country also, so I might be able to ask dh to repair a window that doesn’t open then I could send them outdoors to the sandbox for part of the time. They like exploring, so I’d have to train them to stay only in the area I can see from the window. 

    I can’t think of any indepedant school work ds can do yet, but I’ll save the idea for the future; same with the chore idea – which I love! I’d have to send them off separatley (or they’d play) but there might actually be a couple of things they could do after the baby is up. Have to think on it. Earning “screen time” is a fabulous idea! I’ll start that right away. And for handicrafts, that would definately keep them busy – but what to do??


    I agree with the idea of a quiet time.  We also have enough older computers that I can let them play some carefully selected educational games while I work on my computer (short periods only of course).

    Here are some other things that will each keep my 6yo and 4yo busy for at least 30 minutes, if not an hour or two.

    Playdough (with lots of plastic knives, cookie cutters, etc.)

    Perler beads.  They LOVE LOVE LOVE these and will spend hours doing them.  You just need enough boards to work on so that they don’t ask you to iron their creations as often.

    Lego, particularily if there are lots of minifigs to play in the buildings or other creations that the kids build.  They’ll play longer if I give them a topic to explore (Why don’t you build a library? or Grocery store? etc.)

    Barbies.  My 6yo is a girl and this is her favourite thing.  4yo brother will join in and play for a long time with her, although he doesn’t choose them to play by himself.

    Wooden trains (Thomas and friends).  This is 4yo DS’s passion.  If I help build a fun track first, he’ll play for a long time.

    My 6yo will colour, draw, do jigsaw puzzles, crafts, etc for a long time.  4yo is a bit harder.  Chalkboards and whiteboards appeal to him.

    A bath!  I fill the tub about 1/4 of the way, then leave the tap running just a small amount so it keeps the water warm.  They’ll play for over an hour, with assort containers, funnels, toys.

    Painting with watercolours.  Tempera paint needs supervision, but with training, they can handle watercolours independently as long as I have the water in cups ready to go.

    You could also have a snack ready that they can get themselves, and have a picnic downstairs.  We aren’t usually allowed to eat downstairs, but a picnic blanket on the floor would make it a special occasion.

    Maybe some preschool type workbooks – dot to dots, mazes, colour by number, etc. 

    Good luck!




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