If you used the history handbooks for a 1st grader

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  • susie in ms

    Can you tell me how well your 6 yo did? Were the bible readings over her head or did she graps them just fine? How did she do with the projects? Which hand book did you use?


    Susie ~


    Susie ~

    I’m interested too.  It sounds neat, but I don’t know exactly what you’re talking about.  Embarassed

    ~ Cindie

    susie in ms

    By handbook I mean the history/Bible guides: Gen through Deut and Ancient Egypt, etc

    They are supposed to be good for grades 1-12. I am just wondering if those that used these guides for 1st graders ran into any problems understanding the readings or doing the projects, etc.


    Susie ~

    Oh, got you!  I don’t think you will run into any problems.  I haven’t gotten mine yet ~ it literally should be any day now.  From what I understand from the samples on the website, there are suggestions for activities and what is expected for grades 1 – 3, 4 – 6, etc.  There are also specific living books associated with Module 1 for 1st grade, those are the ones I ordered used from Amazon.  If you do Genesis through Deuteronomy with an older child (which I plan to do when I cycle it again), your book list is different and so are the depth of your activities, map work, etc.

    Someone please correct me if I’m misleading Susie.  Smile

    ~ Cindie

    susie in ms

    Yes, the books I know she could handle, some even now at 4 yo. It is more the Bible reading and doing things like building the Temple (which I would love both!!) that I wonder if a 6 yo could handle. I am almost like a new parent with this one. My older kiddos are 23, 22, and 20, but I didn’t hs them till the youngest of that set was in the 4th grade. So basically I am in new territory, and don’t know what to expect of a 6 yo when it comes to schooling.

    I have seen so many curricula that say you could use this with a younger child, but only if you have olders that s/he is tagging along with. I was wondering if this is sorda that way. I hope not, cuz I am really chomping at the Bit to teach Biblical history to my little one!

    Thanks muchly for your post!

    Susie ~


    I will post again when I get the G to D book, and tell you if I’m way off base.  I plan on using it with a young 6 year old who is my oldest, so I would have a younger “listening in.”  I’m really counting on using this when she turns 6 to start teaching biblical history also, so I would be very sad if I would have to wait until she’s older.  There were several websites linked here with building the Tabernacle and Temple.  Search this forum for the links, they were great!

    ~ Cindie


    We are using G to D book with our 6 yr old this year (and 4 yr old listening) and so far it’s just simply reading straight out of the bible and one book The True Story of Noah’s Ark. When we get to character poster this week I expect they’ll need help coming up with character traits (good or bad) for Abraham but we’ll get thru it. I know they’ll have this period in history again so no worries. 🙂

    I haven’t done a family timeline with them yet…should we be together??

    Also for mapwork I know it’ll be difficult for my 6 yr old to spell Egyptian countries but she’ll be able to say them and get first letter at least. lol but it’ll be fine.


    susie in ms

    Sounds good!
    Thanks for your posts ladies!

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