If you have five or more kids……..

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules If you have five or more kids……..

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  • Alicia Hart

    Just wondering what your schedule looks like of you have five kids approsimatley 12 and under!  For some reason the past few weeks have been a big challenge for us.  I keep cutting things out but it does not seem to help a lot. 



    Do you mean homeschool schedule or just the daily routine/schedule?  I’ve got eight ages 12 and under.  The general day is laid out as follows:

    7am – wake up the kids, they get dressed and we do breakfast as a family

    7:30am – Chore time.  Everyone gets to work doing personal hygiene and chores.  Once they’re done they are free until 9am. 

    9am – Family devotional kicks off the school hours.  We sing hymns, read scriptures and discuss, practice memory work.  This usually lasts about half an hour.

    From 9:30am to noon – Kids do school.  The 4 school age have a weekly assignment sheet so they can work independently on many things.  I rotate among them as needed, as well as doing learning activities, physical therapy, baby care, etc with the younger 4 boys.  We have a snack around 10am and school age kids may take a bit of a break or eat and work. 

    Noon – lunch time.  I usually cook lunch with little boys as helpers.  Sometimes one of the older kids makes lunch.

    1:00pm – Quiet time.  Everyone gets a book and goes to bed. The first 20 minutes are silent reading. Little ones nap.  I turn on an audio book in the hall for anyone who wants to listen or isn’t reading yet after the first 20 minutes.  I rest, get online, blog, read, etc.  This ends at 2:20pm though little ones are still napping for a while most likely.

    2:20pm begins outdoor time or project time.  The children all have interests they are learning about, practicing, doing.  We may do a family game, science experiment, watch a movie, do art projects, etc. 

    4:30pm Dinner prep is underway, with dinner at 5pm.

    After dinner the kids do chores as needed and are free to play.  7pm is Mason’s nightly enema, which takes about 45 minutes, during which the other kids are getting showers, pajamas, etc. 

    8:30pm is bedtime. 


    Hope that helps!


    Tristan is too humble.  But click on her name to the left and check out her blog.  She has great tips on homeschooling and caring for a large family.

    Alicia Hart

    Tristan, I was asking about schedules in general so what you posted was great!

    Wings2fly, I will definitley visit her blog – thanks for that info.

    Yes, Tristan, that does help!  My toddler’s nap schedule is changing so it is throwing a wrench in things…..my scheudle was similar to this but now I am wondering what to do with him during family time.

    What do you do with your toddler(s) during family devotions?   During school time?


    My toddler is right in the thick of things usually.  For devotional he gets an inexpensive copy of the bible and some marking crayons to color in it.  He’s usually found directing the hymns too. 

    During school time the littles are welcome to play on their own but most often they use our activity tubs.  I did a whole post on them so let me direct you there.  I also link to two other posts at the end of that one, one about Table Time and one about Little Ones, Beloved Distractions.  Hopefully those are encouraging as well!


    We have 7 and funny enough our schedule basically looks like Tristans!  Way to go Momma!!  

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