…you plan to fail. Or so the saying goes! Welcome to another week’s plan sharing post. Have you taken a moment to plan for the upcoming week? Share it here!
Our week will be a bit shuffled because Wednesday will be spent at the hospital visiting the Neurosurgeon with Mason. It will be at least a 3 hour chunk of the day, possibly more, so we’re taking the day off. We also have Homeschool Book Club on Friday (just finished reading Peter Pan) so it’s a light day on planned school so we can head to that for a few hours. Taking that into account here are the things I hope we accomplish.
Morning basket – hymn, scripture memory, The Story of the Orchestra, and studying Babylon and the hanging gardens.
Math, literature, and copywork for everyone.
Science for the younger 7 kids.
One Year Adventure Novel for the high schooler.
Morning basket – hymn, scripture memory, Emily Dickenson’s poetry, and studying history again.
Math, literature, and copywork for everyone.
Biology for the high schooler.
Choosing a writing project for the rest of the kids.
Morning basket – hymn, scripture memory, picture study: Edmund Dulac’s art for The Snow Queen, reading another chapter in The Snow Queen.
Math, literature, and copywork for everyone.
Science for the younger 7 kids.
One Year Adventure Novel for the high schooler.
Morning Basket – hymn, scripture memory, The Story of the Orchestra
Well, I plan to be working with chicken on Tues. & Wed. this week. (Our broilers are being butchered Tues. and so I’ll cut them up, feezer pack them, put together some of those meals Christie posted awhile back, cook off the carcasses, and can the meat & broth.)
So, Mon. will hopefully be a good day of school. Thurs. and Fri. I hope will also be good, normal days of school…….I might have us skip school one of those days to get together with a friend who just had a miscarriage…..
We are actually starting our first day of school tomorrow. Schools here just started last Tuesday, but DH had the week off, so we spent some time with him. We also take care of 2 sisters before and after school, and the youngest only had one day of kindergarten last week (they just take 1/4 of the students each day for the first week.)
So, tomorrow we’ll be introducing new books, trying out a new schedule with our youngest joining in for grade 1, and setting some personal goals for the term. Tuesday we have dentist appointments, and we’ll spend the rest of the time settling into more new topics. Wednesday will be our first ‘normal day’. We’ll see how that goes.
My kids are also excited that this week all the outside activities get started. Violin, Bass, Handbell choir, Orchestra, Sportball, Cubs, Activity Days (church program for girls), and “Kids Run Wild” (an orienteering program, learning about using maps and compasses.) Wow. It feels like a lot more when it’s all written out.
I’m looking forward to getting back to a more structured routine. This was the first summer that we didn’t school year-round, because of the 2 school aged friends here everyday. When I had toddlers in my home daycare, life didn’t change much when public school was done, but now that I have older kids, we have switched to a more traditional schedule to match theirs. My kids enjoyed 9 hours a day of play time with their friends, but it’s time to hunker down and bond as a family a bit more again.
Our week is going to be total chaos I think. My kids will do the minimum this week just to keep our head above water. Some weeks are just like that.
We have a lady coming from Dept of Social Services on Tuesday to do an initial walk through of our house as a preliminary step to becoming foster parents. We are nervous, especially since we have big kids who don’t get into things anymore. We no longer have cabinet locks or worry about chemicals, etc. To get ready we have to clean up our swimming pool that is growing slime in our backyard. I know, gross right? We also have some tubing and trim in our yard in a pile that would probably be considered a safety hazard I suppose. We also need to install cabinet locks, move those chemicals around, put away power tools, clean up clutter that toddlers get into, and about 25 other things… between now and Tuesday.
Oh, to top all of that our local children consignment sale is coming up and drop off is on Wednesday. I am about 1/3 of the way ready for that and I like the money I get from the sale. I use it to by the next size up for my girls.
Then! The kids have their church program rehearsal on Wednesday night, piano lessons on Thursday. We will have library day on one of those and a not-so-quick run to the car dealership to turn in our title (we bought a new car over the weekend). To culminate our week I had promised over a month ago that we could go the children’s museum on Friday this week and so we shall.
So, the minimum is: Math for both girls, Phonics for the younger, Independent reading (younger is reading The Story of George Washington Carver, older is reading Chocolate by Hershey), typing for the older. We do our basket (we call it our Joy Basket) in the afternoons after lunch where we are currently studying Van Gogh’s Starry Night, Emily Dickinson (1 poem), 1 chapter of Paddle-to-the-Sea, and our history reading for this week is The Forty Acre Swindle.
Normal week, nothing on the calendar to interrupt our schedule, and all subjects are now in full-force. I use Homeschool Planet from Homeschool Buyer’s Co-Op as a planner for me, and I transcribe all assignments into the kids’ paper planner each Sunday before we start the next week of school.
13YO starts American Sign Language this week at the homeschool schoolhouse in our area. Between that and Latin II, he’s covering in foreign language this year.
Today, my 9YO’s friend (who is also 9) will be schooling with us until noon. We’ve done this several times before and it’s never an issue. (Makes my 9YO more motivated to do his work, actually).
Wednesday I’m going on a day trip with some lady friends for my niece’s birthday, but the other days will likely be as follows.
Scripture memory, science, math and cursive for 8yo, letter sounds for 4 yo, and our history literature read aloud, bedtime bible story or Wisdom with the Millers.
Also, midwife appt today, and I plan on going through my girls’ clothes and get their Fall clothes out.
Scripture memory, picture study, math and cursive for 8yo, letter sounds for 4yo, history literature read aloud, bedtime reading same as above.
Scripture memory, science, math and cursive for 8yo, letter sounds for 4yo, history literature read aloud, bedtime reading
Scripture memory, geography, math and cursive for 8yo, letter sounds for 4yo, handicrafts, bedtime reading
I also plan to get some of those freezer crockpot meals prepared for after baby comes next month. Probably order some apples for canning too. I try to do some work at home a little each day for side money which usually goes toward homeschool stuff. Doing a little at a time!
We have a normal week, with no interruptions scheduled as of now.
I am planning to add in some scheduled time for my ds4.5. We are just going to work on learning the alphabet, apparently I forgot to teach him, oops. He knows numbers and counting because we do those frequently with games and just every day life. So I’m going have him start writing a couple letters a week on our little chalk board.
This morning it actually felt mildly comfortable temperature wise. That means I’m going to start walking/ jogging more in the afternoons. Hoping to start working on my “baby” weight. (Said baby will be 2 in December)
oh! we do start a new handicraft this week! Time for dd6 to learn how to wash laundry! I’m so excited!
Non-school wise, I think DD has a dentist appointment later this week. I also need to go through clothes…it’s starting to get chilly here. We need to dig potatoes from the garden and do some yard clean-up.
School-wise, I need to get some Spelling Wisdom pages printed for DD. We were going through book 2 with the sample pages of ULW to try it out, but she really should be in book 3. I’m pretty sure we’ll just be sticking with ELTL anyway as I think the lessons will overlap and be too much. We’re using SW in place of ELTL’s dictation passages, so it’s not adding extra work for them, but I like the SW passages better.
There are still a couple subjects we haven’t fit into our week yet. I’m hoping to add them in soon. We haven’t done any Shakespeare, practical geometry, Spanish, or handicrafts this year.
The rest of our subjects are going well. We’ll be continuing with our same books. The Sword in the Tree, King Arthur, and The Vikings are going for history. Two Oz books and The Book of Dragons for literature…I’m reading my 3rd graders books aloud and the older DC are reading theirs on their own. For science, we’re reading Burguess Bird Book (with the SCM study), Trees & Shrubs, and Bird Watchers & Bird Feeders. The last two should be finished by the end of the term.
Famous Men of the Middle Ages is going well…it was a bit much for the first few lessons, but we’ve been stopping to narrate mid-way and that really helps. I’ve found the Greenleaf Guide helpful in guiding our narrations a bit. I also write some of the people and places (listed in the Greenleaf guide) on the dry-erase board which they find helpful as well.
We finally started back to school today :). We will be having a light week with Picture Study-Monet (my 3 yr old already told me that she likes Monet), Music study-Beethoven, Poetry study-Robert Louis Stevenson, Author study- Ezra Jack Keats, Bible Study, Hymn Study, Handicraft- Origami (because the full on paper sloyd-ing would just be too much for mom right now), finishing Alice in Wonderland and then starting Through the Looking Glass, starting math-right start A lessons 1-4, and some phonics review and a couple of small readers for the 6yr old. The 3 yr old we are going over phonics and counting. And both are doing ballet review on days not at ballet.
Out of the house we have ballet (2 different days), Spanish story time at the library, then another day it will be story time, art at the library and music and moment. We will wrap up the week with a homeschoolers park group, first time I’ll be around other homeschool moms since starting last year and not including convention, but entertained that the leader of the group lives 3 houses down from us and I had zero clue.
I am still visiting family out of town so no school for us yet this week. We are heading home tomorrow and I’m not sure if I’ll try to start easing into our 2nd term or just wait until Monday.
I haven’t even developed a working plan for our 2nd term yet! I know I want to switch some things up a bit but I’m not sure exactly how at this point. My only plan is to start slow and see how things pan out.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to your week!
History (watch Roman City with David Macaulay), copywork, math, Spanish, science, spelling (AAS), Scripture memory, grammar, and reading practice
Typing for my 5th grader
For my kindergartner – math, handwriting, calendar, letter sounds practice, and Scripture memory
same as Monday except Bible instead of history. Also Colonial Girls for my daughter and kids choir at church where I will be teaching hymns
Geography, literature, Shakespeare, math, copywork, spelling (SW), Scripture memory, reading practice
Typing and band for older daughter and regular things for my K’er