If you do a Jan.-Dec. school year, I have a few questions

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules If you do a Jan.-Dec. school year, I have a few questions

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  • Des

    How did you decide to go from Jan.-Dec.?  Have you ever done a “traditional” school year?  Was it easy to transition to a Jan.-Dec. school year?  When do you do your planning and purchasing?  What months do you take off?  I’m sure i’ll have some more questions as I get answers to these.  Thanks!!


    Hi Des,

    We do school year round from Jan-Dec. And yes, it was a pretty easy transition for us (about 3 years ago). Basically, we do planning in the fall – I just finished my budget and list – and we will purchase in January. It generally takes a few weeks to get everything in, so the reality is that we start back to full fledged school in late January/early Feb. And, of course, we take a long holiday break for Christmas. In true CM form, though, we are generally still reading, writing, and crafting a lot during that break.

    Another method (which actually works a bit better for me, but we couldn’t afford this year) is to purchase your ‘disciplined studies’ like math and language arts in the early fall, and your history, science, literature, etc…in January. That splits up the cost and ensures that you have a good routine on your disciplined studies going on already before you begin a new history/science study.

    Hope that helps some!


    We start our new year in January too.  The main motivation behind is that we live in Texas and it is roasting here during the summer.  We take off at the end of the year from October 31 (my birthday) to the first week in January.  We buy supplies as we need them, but I do stock up on pencils, paper, etc. during tax free weekend (autumn).  We used to order the “disciplines” during Nov and Dec, but it is easier to buy as you go, or as you find things on sale.  In my previous neighborhood, the homeschool store had a “second semester” sale in December which always worked out, but now that we are even more CM, I find that my needs are different.  As an example, I had to order brine shrimp eggs from Amazon last week for my dd science experiment.  Anyway to make an unnecessarily long story short, we just buy as we go.

    I also plan as I go…the CM method doesn’t really require too much planning, but mine are older.  I choose the composers and artists for the year and plan when to order from the library or buy from Amazon.  My ds math is downloaded from Math Mammoth so I just repurchase when he completes a book.  My dd uses Teaching Textbooks so I check to see where she is and about when to purchase the next one.  CM language arts just requires good books and notebook paper.  Socal studies requires books and map paper, plus notebooking pages and supplies for projects if they want to make something.  We are  doing Apologia science for both (different books for each).  If you use Apologia the author provides a list of necessary supplies for the year so you know what you need ahead of time.

    I would recommend sitting down with DH and establishjng a budget, maybe open a separate school account so you will have an account to pull the money from without interrupting family life.  Just a suggestion.


    Thank you for your responses, they are very helpful. Cheryl we live in TX too!


    Lol, we lived in Texas when we started year round, too. We are inside far more in the summer than in the fall/ winter! Great suggestions for how to budget from Cheryl.


    Cheryl and servingwithjoy, how did you get started? I’m thinking that since we’re in the midst of moving, I should not worry about doing much except phonics, math facts drill and letting my older one just read. I could then pick back up with the curriculum I purchased for this year and use as much or as little as I want, which would give me time also to save for later purchases. What do you think?


    How old are your children?  If you are in the middle of moving what you suggest is fine.  When we were traveling or moving I never did very much with them at  all.  Get your children involved in the packing process, this counts as life skills.  It is good for them to see that family life is a priority over everything else.  Also, bear in mind that you are not on a “schedule”.  Since we are not required to report anything don’t add unnecessary stress to an already stressful situation.  Remember that packing boxes means that all those boxes will also have to be unpacked!  More time away from studies!  Reading, nature studies, and oral math drills are your best bet!


    I have a 11 & 6yr old, my senior is totally independent and has taken charge of his own studies. I make a list of books, he reads them, we discuss a little. We use TT for math so he has the DVD’s if he needs help.

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