If they only knew how much more they are getting from homeschooling than I ever got in a private & public school. (please note: homeschooling each child for each family is a personal decision so this is not ment to say all public or private schools are unfit) I went to a private catholic school from 1-8. I loved it, learned a lot. Then 9-12 went to a public high school. did I like it, it was ok, I enjoyed my on the job training way more though.
I excell in math. I love it, could do math all day and it would be “fun” for me. Does this mean all my children will excel in math or even like it? NO and I have learned that. Which leads me to this statement. Because I can teach my child, each of them, to learn math in different ways. I found MUS and loved it from the minute I saw it for the many ways it taught. Guess what else, I also a math lover learned some new and faster tricks! Can you believe it.
I am as you will see anytime I post a rotten speller. Always spelling wrong and sounding out words to learn to spell them in hopes of it being right. I have always just tackled spelling with a grain of salt. We’ve done lists, and spelling wisdom. But none of that made my light go on like All about spelling has. I started with my 11yr old son and I have been learning, memorizing and “using” what I have taught him. I love this program so much even my 13 & 9yr olds who are good spellers are now going to start on level 1 and do AAS cause the tricks & hints are so worth it. They will speed through it and that’s great. But at least they will GET IT!
I can’t believe the time and energy I wasted in school “trying” to “get it”, when it was probably that I couldn’t learn well with that type of learning system.
I am so thankful to be able to be home with my children (yes everyday, all day with 7, ages 13 to almost 1yr) and know that I am helping them to learn how to be responsible, loving, caring, considerate, on.. and .. on… but also how to learn. No matter what their style of learning I can accomodate to their needs.
I can’t wait till the day they can call me and say “thanks mom” for teaching me and being home. I know right now they don’t get it, sometimes hate it, but there will be a day or atleast I hope, when I will be thanked by them. I know I had my day when I finally got all my mom did or tried to do and was able to publicly (at her shower for her wedding 8yrs ago) say thanks and how I “got it” now.
You say, but what if that days never comes.. well I know that my Father in heaven is watchinig and he will thank me for taking all this on and will know of all the sacrifices, trials and ups/downs of my days as he has laid them out for me and has it all planned.
Well just felt like sharing my heart today with you. Hope you have days like this too.
Thank you for sharing, Misty. Nearly everyday I am reminded by my daughter that she misses her school from last year and that she wishes she was there, OR she does not want to homeschool. She is challenged way more than she ever was last year, and of course, last year in Kindy it was mostly fun and games, if you know what I mean. First grade is more like real school. It is a lot harder. I need to remind myself that if I am doing this for the Lord then that is all that matters.
@artcmomto3: The past few years have been tough with my oldest 8yo dd wanting to go to school instead. She wanted to be with friends all the time. 🙂 This year, I haven’t heard a single complaint. Yet… 😛 But we’ve changed up a few things, and she’s a little more independent this year, so I think we maybe are finding our groove together. My 7yo has always loved being at home with me, even though she and my 8yo both went to 4K at our church’s school.
All that to say, as you find your groove in this whole homeschooling thing, you may find she will complain less and less.
@Misty, I think that often, as well! It is so great to be here for them and see them actually learning and getting it, not just filling in some worksheets. 🙂
Sometimes I am so thankful for the oppprtunity to do this and sheer amount of love I can feel for my kids that I think that I will burst – (and then there are those other days lol). I am so thankful for my parents and their examples of diligence, love, compassion, hard(!) work, and their faithfulness in serving the Lord. It has truly helped me set my feet on this path. Thank you, Misty, for helping me to enjoy that feeling again today. Someday they will get it… =)
This is great, thanks Misty! I was just thinking today how lonely it can be at times when many of the neighborhood nonhomeschool moms are “out” having lunch together or something similar to enjoy socialness and outside relationships. I felt the Lord bring me peace aa I heard Him softly say, “this is your sacrifice to Me, part of counting the cost. Be at peace and know the blessings are with you and more to come.”