IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing)

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing)

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  • Has anyone tried IEW and if so, what do you think of it? Our homeschool co op is offering courses in IEW this fall and I’d like to know more about it (we have ages 11, 13 and 14). We have been using Analytical Grammar and enjoy it but would also like to see what else is out there that may be of use to us. The website doesn’t seem to offer a “nuts and bolts” type of description (at least I couldn’t find it!) so I am having some difficulty in tracking down the teaching style, etc.

    Thanks in advance for any info!

    Andrea, Carlsbad CA


    I’ve never used it, but just wanted to say that if you go on The Well Trained Mind Forums and do a search there has been a lot of discussion about it.  I’ve got a couple friends that use it and really like it.  It’s a solid program, need to spend time watching the dvd’s, but kids like the teacher.  Classical programs (like Veritas Press) use it.  The only negative I’ve read is it is a bit formulistic—that some teachers can tell who has used this program.  We use (or should say about to use!) Classical Writing.  Blessings:)  Gina

    Thanks, Gina. There are quite a few families in our homeschool co op that use IEW and love it. I will definitely check out the Well Trained Mind forum and read more.

    Thanks again!



    We used it last year for the first time and absolutely loved it.  I don’t know what we would have done without out.  I kept trying things that just didn’t click.  This did with all of my kids.  They love Andrew Pudewa too.  He is a great teacher.  We loved him so much that I arranged to have him do a workshop in our town.  I hope this helps and good luck!  erin….


    We used it for the first time last year in our co-op, and my dd9 loved it!  We had tried several other programs with no success.  We did not have the dvds, but I don’t think they’re needed.  (Although I’m biased because we did have a teacher do a short intro to the lesson to get the kids started.  I really think anyone capable of reading the teacher’s manual can do it!)  It gives the kids a set plan when writing, especially academic and essay writing.  It had a great list of words to choose from to avoid “banned” words.  (Banned words are boring words that tend to be used over and over again in writing.)  My daughter liked having a process to follow, instead of just being sent to write something.  I hightly recommend it!


    I prefer Meaningful Composition over IEW.

    We tried IEW’s Bible Based Writing and it was not a good fit for us. I really wanted to like it, since I’d heard so many good things.


    We’ve used Understanding Writing, Learn to Write the Novel Way and Writing to God’s Glory.

    Thanks so much to all who replied. I will try and see if I can find a copy of IEW to look at before making my decision about purchasing (as well as the others mentioned).

    Thanks again!



    We have it and love it.  It’s also important to note that they have a 100% money back guarantee, so if you buy it and hate it, they will send you  your money back!

    Thanks, Chantelle. I was not aware of the 100% guarantee. Very helpful info!



    Hi, I know this is an old topic, but I am bumping it up again. We have been attempting a CM education from the start, but I feel like for the first time this year, I am starting to trust these methods in a way I never have before. I am also learning to trust in the simplicity of CM, despite all the choices out there of bright, shiny curriculum.

    That said, I am really drawn to the Andrew Pudewa program. It is how I was taught to write by a wonderfully gifted college instructor. It is how I WISHED I had been taught to write when I was a younger student.

    My question is, do you think that the methods used in the EIW program are compatible with CM? I am afraid I am going to throw it out after a year (or, leave it on the homeschool co-op freebies table) as yet another “program” that is not necessary for that wonderful, liberal education I am seeking.



    Rachel White

    I don’t know the ages of your children, but it is my understanding that Meaningful Composition uses much of the Pudewa’s principles (intensive, sequential and thorough) with less money, but does require teacher involvement (ask Polly how involved she had to be), so I understand, but without the DVD stuff: Cathy Duffy reviews here:                                                                                                    they are not all available at this time, but are coming together:                                  and coming soon:

    Other choices are Writing Strands  for the younger set (more Classical like the IEW and MC) and Apologia: Jump In, for Middle grades and esp. reluctant writers, but apparently covers it all, but less structured topics and shorter lessons (very CMish)? I know Bookworm/MIchelle has liked this for her Older boys (high school).

    I think both WT and Jump In are more geared toward independant work and less teacher intensive. If I were to looking for one that can be fit into the CM style through my scheduling of it, with some of the Classical strengths you’re referring to, requiring less money and teacher pre-study and involvement, I would pick WT; it uses great lit. Depending on the age of your children, WT is more work booky than CM might recommend, I wouldn’t use it with my 10 yr. old son as he doesn’t like to write as much as is required in it. We use PLL and ILL, here and that will do till 6th, with maybe some supplementation next year-I don’t know yet.

    Don’t know if I’ve helped any! Rachel





    IEW has been a lifesaver in our family.  I am not a writer and this program has been very helpful for us.  As far as being CM friendly, I think you can use it quite easily.  Andrew Pudewa recommends narration from keywords.  The original program was designed for you to learn and then use it with whatever curriculum you were using.  The program expanded because people wanted more guidance.  Some of the theme based books are written by other people(not Andrew Pudewa) that follow his design. It is a very expensive program but as was stated before there is a 100 % money back guarantee.  Also it has a great resale value. 

    If you have any other questions feel free to PM me.




    Wow, thank you so much! Rachel…great reviews and links! Suzq, I may take you up on the PM offer!

    Thanks again for the generous input!


    Ah, this is an old thread.  If any of you are still on this feed, please let me know if you were successful with IEW and if you still feel like it fit into CM philosophy well.  This is what has me concerned about IEW:

    This teaching will be more of an attempt at shaping his individual style, rather than trying to force it into a particular formula. “Having been brought up so far upon stylists the pupils are almost certain to have formed a good style; because they have been thrown into the society of many great minds, they will not make a servile copy of any one but will shape an individual style out of the wealth of material they possess; and because they have matter in abundance and of the best they will not write mere verbiage” (Vol. 6, p. 194). SCM reference

    When I was in public school, I was taught to follow the 5-paragraph essay formula.  I can spot one of these essays almost immediately.  It doesn’t make for good writing.  So, my question is, if I train my daughter in IEW, will it teach her to write based on a recognizable formula?  I have such a hard time trusting in the simplicity of CM when I can pile on one more curriculum. 

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