You would need to buy one of the SWI sets unless you all are already familiar with the IEW way of doing things. Otherwise you won’t really understand all the jargon. The SWI is directed to the student, but you can watch alongside so that you will understand the assignments. You can get the TWSS also which is directed to the teacher to give you a method of teaching writing. They also have a parent CD for ten dollars that gives a quick overview of the whole process. According to IEW, you are supposed to get both the TWSS and an SWI, and that is pretty expensive. I have the SWI only and that is what we are going to use. I think I can get by just fine without the TWSS. I do not consider this program to be CM at all and, honestly, I hated the whole idea of it. However, when I put on the first video, my daughter said, “Now this is exactly the kind of thing I want to do.”. That sold me on it and we are starting it next week.