Planning on teaching a class at our co-op. It will be a 1hr weekly class, which meets for 12 weeks; for boys ages 6-10/11 yrs. on The Science of Flight ( I did a LEGO club this semester with public speaking via show and tell, a little creative writing, weekly build challenges, measuring/weighing, picture study). I have read thru the posts here already. The tricky part is the wide age range and ability range for fine motor, writing, etc. and the fact that it will be a large class of 20-30 of loud busy boys;)
And have a good idea of what I’d like to cover: God’s design on flight in birds, the mechanics of flight (demonstrating gravity, lift, thrust, drag, jet propulsion). A brief history of flight or pick one or two famous aviators to read a good picture book (maybe). Complex paper airplanes – simple cut out ones for the younger kids. And ending with rocketry and space (designing their own 3 stage water rocket with recovery chute) and ways of using aviation for missions/ministry (or the story of the Yellow Woodbee)
Looking for ideas of what to include/how to structure each class. Should I make up a copywork booklet with definitions, scripture and inspiring flight quotes and a few coloring pages of planes (to work on while I do a read aloud)? Then do a demonstration or activity? It worked well this semester to split the hour into at least 3 parts. I don’t want to rush them thru, but also want enough variation of sitting and being active that I have their full attention and best effort. whew. that’s not asking too much, is it? !!