Ideas for Co-op Class, Building Character Through Literature

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  • missceegee

    I’m teaching 1st-3rd graders a 15 week class on Building Character Through LIterature beginning in January. I needed an additional class for this age and thought this would be a good one.

    I’m using the BF books as a start and incorporating Judy Rogers’ music (ie. Go to the Ant), but I have one hour a week and would love more ideas as well as book & song ideas for some of the traits. I’m a planner and I feel quite behind at this moment.



    • Honor Your Father & Mother (song)
    • Patience Arnold’s Sampler from Boy’s and Girls of Colonial Days


    • The Leech’s Daughters (song)
    • When I Was Young in the Mountains


    • The Tongue (song)


    • Go to the Ant (song)


    • Dogger or Wilfrid Gordon Macdonald Partridge


    • The Beggar’s Blessing


    • Isabelle is a Pig (song)
    • The Pink Tulip  from Boys and Girls of Colonial Days


    • Trust in the Lord (song)


    • The Fear of the Lord (song)


    • Brave Irene

    Other traits for which I need to plan:

    • Stewardship
    • Patience
    • Respect
    • Tactfulness
    • Dependability

    I appreciate all input. 




    Rachel White

    The Hide’em in your Heart Vol 1 and 2 by Steve Green have are great songs for Scripture memory esp. related to the Biblical virtues.

    Selections from William Bennett’s “The Children’s Book of Virtues” and maybe even some stories from the one of “Faith” and “America”.

    Stories from “Parables from Nature”; Some from the Miller Series, maybe?


    Sonya Shafer

    That’s what I thought of, too, Rachel: maybe some of the stories from Wisdom and the Millers with their corresponding Proverbs verses.


    Thank you ladies, those are the kinds of suggestions that I’m looking for. I have all of those resources on hand, too. 



    Christie – I LOVE, LOVE this idea!  I hope you’ll share your final plan when you pull it all together – I’d love to do this next year at our co-op.  Don’t worry, you’re much farther ahead than I am for my Night at the Museum class that starts next semester – yikes!  Better get planning!!! (command to self)

    One of the things that I’m doing for my class is incorporating lapbook components – I know I’ve seen free ones for different character studies, that’s some good cut and paste time, plus then they’ll leave the class with a permanent reminder of what they learned.

    You could also use some of the activities from “Polished Cornerstones” as take home ideas for them to do before the next class, maybe pick two or three and they could choose which one that want to perform before the next class and then you could allow one or two children to share about their experience.

    Finally, you could suggest a hypothetical situation and give the children an opportunity to act out how they could exhibit the virtue in that situation – (you could use a child’s book of character for ideas)

    And please, please share your final book and song recommendations!  THANKS!!!



    Christie – How’s it going????


    Hi Rebekah, it’s coming along s-l-o-w-l-y! I decided to re-organize and prettify (I know that’s not a real word, but it’s how I feel.) my school room in preparation for getting started with our second term next week. Bad timing, but oh well. 

    I purchased a Character Traits coloring book and cd of songs from Homeschool How-Tos  and it’s very good. It has some simple object lessons that can be utilized on occasion and we will use the coloring book and make a take home booklet that way. I love the look of lap books, but these are mostly 1st graders and I’d be stuck w/ most of the work or it would take too long.

    I like your idea of acting out scenarios, too!

    Oh, I think we may incorporate a bit of Show & Tell to help with “public speaking” and practicing giving of attention, respect, etc.

    When I finish my plan, I’ll link it here. Thanks for asking and don’t forget to share your plans, too.


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