Ideas for a VERY distractible 7yo?

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  • angielafrance

    Hi All!  I’m looking for any ideas you can offer for keeping my easily distracted 7yo focused.  I have tried isolating him from the rest of the family, giving him headphones with quiet music playing, and keeping lessons short, but regardless he cannot stay on task.  When he is doing his math he can’t seem to accomplish much without me sitting right there with him and keeping him on task.  And then, with every math problem, he insists on making “sound effects” as he’s thinking out the problem before writing it down.  Quite funny at first, after awhile, not so much!  LOL!  Is that just party of his learning style?  needing to be noisy in order to think?  He does not seem to struggle understanding his work at all.  He’s on target in every subject other than delayed handwriting and drawing.  

    Any suggestions or ideas on teaching him how to stay focused and/or how to work with his learning style?  


    Oh! You have a Sizzler! I’m on my husband’s Droid, or I’d post a link. But Google Carol Barrier and read up on her methods; she’s hilarious, and I guarantee you’ll find some help there. Also check out her blog called sizzlebop. Enjoy that son of yours! It’s taken a while for me to get it, but I’m finally enjoying my own daughter’s sizzly tendencies.

    Blessings to ya!



    Sorry-that should have read Carol Barnier…silly autotext!

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