I couldn’t find pictures of the artist that I needed at the library for picture study. Online I couldn’t just bring up a picture without a word in relief on it. I checked out ebay. I was checking amazon for books of the works…when I had an idea. I got excited when I found old 2011 calendars with 12 of the artist’s works for 1.95-6.95 depending. Many are 1.95 and 3.95. WOW. It is a decent size on sturdy paper and will lay flat. What do you think? wouldn’t that work just as good as a book. Of course, I love picture study items they offer here…but they don’t have the artists in the module that i am doing yet.
Yes, it will work fine. I keep stacks of calendars with prints in them. It doesn’t work as well for some artists–there are some artists no one makes calendars of! But it can work very well and inexpensively.
Over the years I too have used calendars and I loved the size of the print so yes, a great way to do picture study. For the more obscure artists I found smaller prints from the Dover Catalog and also on Olga’s Gallery online. For this final year I am using the wonderul new product from SCM Picture Study Portfolio, so whatever works is fine. Good luck. Linda
My grandmother gave me some Rockwell calendars that we’ll use later. I think Calendars are a great resource! I’ve even framed a couple of pictures from Calendars, and you’d never know they had outdated months on the back
Thank you so much for the calendar idea. I went to calendars.com and they have free shipping for $20 orders. I have Cassatt, Larsson, Van Gogh, Renoir, Sargent, and O’Keeffe in my cart…enough for 2 terms. Where did you find your calendars? We have been using the art prints from AOartprints yahoo group (Ambleside) and printing 4 X 6 prints as described at CharlotteMasonhelp.com. I love the simplicity of the calendars though.
I recently found, quite by accident, Monet and Van Gogh portfolios at Barnes and Nobles for $10 each. I couldn’t believe it. Each portfolio had pretty big pictures. 14 different pictures in each!
I know, I know. When you specifically look for such things they don’t materialize, right? But you never know what you’ll find.
I recommend checking out the Clearance Sections in bookstores.