I wish I didn't need encouragement, but…

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM I wish I didn't need encouragement, but…


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  • Kelly Bond

    My son will be 5yo this summer. We are planning to start Kindergarten in the fall. I love the CM methods, her philosophy, everything. Why then am I having such a hard time figuring out what to do? I have posted before about my incessant search for more and better ideas and I believe it is hurting me again. Please forgive me asking this question that has already been asked but I need to have someone say it to ME!

    If we read lots of great books, do copywork and begin reading lessons, work on math concepts, read poetry, listen to classical music, do nature study and nature notebooks, and begin picture study…sorry to ask this and I do so sheepishly…is this a “good” K year? Am I missing anything? I guess I feel I’m being watched by my family members and just don’t have the confidence I need yet.

    Thank you!


    Hm – lets look at your list…

    Reading Lessons, Writing Lessons (copywork), Math.  Poetry, classical music, nature study, nature notebooks, picture study.  Presumably a lot of outside time, running around, active play.  Lots of playtime.  I’m assuming you are going to do some longer books read aloud?

    Now – lets look at a rough K list from a public school….  (not sure if K is a full day or 1/2 day where you are…)

    Reading Lessons, Writing Lessons, Math.  Probably a music class once a week?  Probably time in the gym once or twice a week?  Circle-time (learning things like days of the week…..), and play.   There may be some variaton on what exactly is done… but this looked like the basics when I went to a K orientation where I live.  Also – don’t forget all the learning of stuff from kids from K to G6 during recess, in the hall, etc….. stuff like attitude, etc.


    YES, you will be doing a good K year! 


    Laughing  Ha ha ha!  Why do homeschool mom’s do this all the time?  You are not alone in your inner turmoil, let me assure you!  I find myself doing this at least 2-3 times a year since I started 2 years ago. 

      Take it from me, I DID send my first child to a public K program.  In grade 1 she still didn’t know the sounds of the letters in the alphabet even though it seemed to me that’s all the real “learning” they did in gr. K really.  It was a very difficult struggle teaching that first year and, allthough, I don’t think it was just because of the public school foundation year (I hadn’t discovered CM the first yr of HSing her), I do believe it was a contributing factor.  Math concepts were very difficult as well as beginning reading.  She came home a lot with “information” that I thought she had no business learning as well as a lot of other unwelcome things that really came from the K class.  I wasn’t impressed.  She is doing better now.  And, just so you know, she is a very bright and gifted child.

      Now lets take a look at my second one who I decided to school at home right from the beginning using CM this past year.  He is rambunctious, has a hard time sitting still for “group times” and doesn’t concentrate well if he has to stay still.  He is 5 and a half.  He is also able to do grade 1 math in his head and is reading.  He gets as much outside time as is required to “get his beans out”  and doesn’t have any of the other rambuctions, mischevious little boys around who don’t come from as strict moral background filling his head with images and ideas that would be detrimental to him.  My daughter was very affected by some of the other kids and it came out in things like bad dreams, tears and worried, anxious thoughts and actions.  I’m pretty sure my son would be deemed outright “unsuitable” for school or ADD or some such thing if he were in class all day.  Yet, he is reading and doing above grade level math at age five.  Yet, my calm, book loving, able to listen quietly daughter was the one who had troubles beginning!  This really confused me until I compared the Kindergarten years.  Now, it all makes sense and CM makes even more sense! 

      Please, know that you are doing enough!  Your son will be getting exactly what he needs because you will be observing him as he goes and be able to adjust and meet the needs accordingly.  He will more than likely be a little ahead academically as far as reading and understanding goes and he won’t be labelled anything just because he is a rambunctious little boy who needs to be outside.  He will be free to be doing what God made him to do.  You will get to find out his learning style earlier and be better prepared for grade 1.  You will find a routine while he is still little and have a whole year to adapt and get used to the foundational CM methods before things get stepped up a notch in gr. 1.  This is good, now rest! Wink


    I’m looking at this from a different angle. My oldest will be starting high school next year so I find myself looking back and evaluating what we did in the elementary years (esp since I have 6 youngers that I want to do well by too).

    You’re plan sounds perfect!!! In K, it’s all about exposure: numbers, letters/sounds, art, music, nature. It is AMAZING how much kids pick up just by being interested and exposed!

    We, too, had family that was skeptical about our homeschooling. They frequently questioned us, made comments, etc.. When my eldest was in 3 grade, he very respectfully corrected my mom on some science information. She responded with “you know more about that than I ever will” with an amazed look on her face. She has not questioned us since : ). Give your son time. If you expose him, he will eventually answer the skeptics with his knowledge, interest in learning or attitude (or lack of a bad one).

    I recommend you watch what he is interested in and build on that. Ours were interested in nature/science stuff so we bought all the field guides for them to “read” (look at). We took them to the zoo and museum, read nature books, took them to lakes and parks, etc. They still love learning and know plenty to do well on those standardized tests that are required here in CO.

    Just had to recommend two of our favorite series for boys: Ralph S Mouse and sequels and My Father’s Dragon and sequels.

    Relax. Have a good summer. You’ll do just fine next year with your K’er.


    Sara B.

    I am starting CM as soon as finish these crazy workbooks/texts I bought for this past schoolyear.  We have already implemented some of CM’s methods, and WOW, what a difference it has made!  My oldest is finishing up 1st grade, and my next is finishing K.  I also have a 3yo and a 1yo.  I can’t wait to fully implement her methods.  YES, it will be MORE than enough, because it’s way more than even our church’s grade school is doing with Pre-K through 8th grade.  (And private schools are usually better academically than public.)

    BTW, I, too, have skeptics in my family.  I find it is actually encouraging to have to prove it to them (maybe that’s my stubbornness, though, idk 😛 ), and it is also encouraging in light of Dave Ramsey’s quote: “Live like no one else so later you can live like no one else.”

    Above all, listen to your heart and to God’s calling.  He will show you what is right for your own family, not the status quo.  🙂  Have fun teaching!


    Sara  🙂


    I am going on my 8th year of Hsing, and I still question what I’m doing sometimes…you’re not alone.  Your plans sound wonderful!!!!!!!  In fact, if anything; you may find you’re trying to do too much, yes too much for a 5 yr old boy.  Just make sure you allow yourself the flexibility to change your plans if necessary.  Boys especially, but any 5 yr old for that matter needs lots of outdoor and play time.  Sometimes, less is really more.  We as moms, esp. hsing moms want to make everything perfect and appease everyone.  Just know that even the best laid plans have to change, and the most important part of that K year should be having FUN learning. 


    Yes, less is more….

    For my son, when he was K age, we did Reading Instruction, and Reading of books (ie, House at Pooh Corner, Beatrix Potter, etc.)  That was it.  No math except where it was real life stuff (ie, we are baking something, and I’d say something like – we need 3 eggs, I have put in 1 – how many more eggs do we need).  No writing, no picture study etc.

    He is doing great with Year 1.  and I have no regrets.

    His younger sister is doing more – because she wants to be like her big brother.

    Kelly Bond


    Thanks so much for sharing with me and for your encouragement. Over the weekend, God really spoke to my heart along these lines (I hadn’t been on the computer, either) and I’m getting the message loud and clear to just relax. I think I’ll have a list of things we CAN do on a daily basis, see where I can fit them in during the day, and then be okay with it if those things don’t happen. We are spending lots of time outside and I can see how it is feeding his body and soul!

    I’ll probably post again when my doubts flare up again, but for now…thank you. Smile

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