I think I'm being pulled it!!

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  • Thank you mjemom! I hope to be techy too one day. Baby steps! 🙂


    I was hesitant about the kindle too. dh surprised me with one a few months ago. I love it. I think I get more reading in. I got all of SCM free e-books and all of original CM volumes at AO and Bible plus many free read-alouds for dc from Amazon. I have many books going at once ancd I do not neglect my real paper books. I also like the easy highlighting feature with the touch of my finger. I can make the font as large as I want it. I am reading thisnd typing on my kindle with Wi-Fi. It is pan and scan for it but I like the ease and black and white.

    Lesley Letson

    oh, and one thing I have noticed as a benefit of the Kindle is the built in dictionary – my son is constantly tapping on a word he doesn’t know and looking it up – something I know wouldn’t happen if he had to stop reading, put his book down, and find a dictionary – same goes for me 🙂 and neither of us have neglected paper books either, they are still scattered about all over the house and at any given moment you will find this particular son or myself with our nose in one 🙂

    Christine Kaiser


    I would advice you to go to your next Best Buy or any other department store that has a good electronics section and try all the different kind of readers and tablets. I see I am probably the only one but I do not like my Kindle and unfortunately no one else in the family does. It is very user-“un”friendly. That said we have the basic Kindle, I don’t know how the Kindle fire would work for us. We are using the iPad for reading and absolutely love it!


    It is different from the computer to me for several reasons. 1) reading in the car–it is not safe to have a laptop open in one’s lap in a moving vehicle; the kindle OTOH is so lightweight and small and much safer 2). I think it is also much easier on one’s eyes and it does read like a book (just not pages to turn but you do push the page-turn button).

    I was hesitant too, but I have so many more books than I could possibly have w/out the kindle. I have the entire GA Henty collection and it was $1 on amazon. I have many of the Burgess books, which my 9YO son reads again and again.

    We have multiple children who have multiple dr. appts. at our local Children’s hospital, and the kindle is a great way to pass the time. Only trouble is only one person can use at a time. Actually that is not true. Two of our sons will read together, one looking over the other’s shoulder.

    I find the kindle very user-friendly and very basic which is what we wanted. I am sure the ipad is great (I am an admitted MAC fan; have 3 of their computers and an iPhone as well and have used the computers for years), but I think the iPad has many more features.

    If I were getting a kindle, I would get the basic one.

    Keep in mind that your local library probably has an e-reader lending program as well. Ours does and they only work on a kindle or a nook. Not sure why but that is how they work. I have read many books that way as well, though we still bring home many paper books from the library.

    Mileage varies but this has been ours.

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