I think I have a problem…

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  • amcampbell4

    I can’t seem to stop collecting curriculum! I am especially prone to download every nifty free e-book I come across because, well, it’s free, and it also seems so wonderful! But in the process, I just accumulate tons of PDF files that I can never seem to find the time to thoroughly read through, much less print out and get bound for our use. I was cleaning up my inbox the other day and realized I have downloaded several complete Kindergarten curriculums that I had completely forgotten I had! What is wrong with me??? Please tell me I am not alone, and that there is some kind of “Curriculum Hoarders Anonymous” group 🙂 In all seriousness, though, I realize that I have become immobilized by all this stuff and can’t seem to get my head around the planning I need to do for the fall. I often think about a quote in Sonya’s Planning Your CM Education book that says something to the effect of “The hardest effort is the effort of decision.” SO TRUE. If I could just DECIDE, once and for all, I would be free!


    I’ve never heard of such a thing. Downloading dozens of PDF books because they are free?! And never getting to them?

    LOL. Guilty as charged.


    Here’s a recent thread that will make you not feel alone!  Laughing


    I have the same problem of collecting free ebooks, but one of the best ways I found to “see” what I have and then decide was to make specific subject folders on my computer and save things in those.  For example, I have a Language Arts folder.  Inside that are more folders labeled Copywork and Writing; Speliing and Dictation; Grammar; etc.  In each of those folders I was more specific – like Print and Cursive folders for copywork.  

    As we need stuff I can easily locate it.  I did this with Kindergarten and had folders for alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes, etc.  I even made one for complete Kindergarten curriculums so I can find those.

    I also find the longer I do this homeschool thing the more I find my “style” of products – and that helps eliminate the “freebies” I was attracting and hoarding.


    Charges: One count Hoarding Free Download PDFs; One count Inability to Make Timely Decisions.

    Plead: Guilty.  On both counts.  I think.  Well, maybe not… Oh, yes.  Definately guilty.  But then again…  Hmmm…let me think about this some more…


    Well at least you’re just doing this with free things. Wish that was my problem.


    I make files in my computer for subjects like Geography, History, Elementary Math, etc.

    If I download it, I immediately put it in one of those folders. Or I put it in an “undecided” folder until I decide if I think I’ll ever actually use it.

    The thing is that I have quite a few things that I may never use, but by putting into folders by subject I can at least look there first before researching on the internet to find something I may already have (or something similar). Guilty on that one!

    I recently deleted about 150 files from my computer. They *might have been* free PDF files related to educating our children of course.



    If I could ever get my Mac figured out, all of the free files I may or may not have downloaded would be organized, as well!  🙂


    And Sue in MN~Totally hearin’ ya over here!  I’ve realized, though, that sometimes I have to get my hands on it before I can make a decision.  I try to buy everything used so I can resell and not completely lose out on what I spent!


    Oh Corie, I use Macs and they are so easy once you get going. I get on my DH’s PC and get so confused!

    Anything in particular you are having a hard time figuring out?

    You should be able to make folders and then folder within those. My main folders are: Homeschool, Personal, Temporary, Food (grocery lists, recipes, etc), Adoption, and Vacation. Within those I have tons of folders.

    I have been using MACs since college though, but the learning curve is there. I just love them though!


    Thanks for the suggestions on organizing files! That makes total sense and it is just laziness on my part that I have not done it yet. It’s just that it started with only a few files, and then all these wonderful, generous sites provide these mega-downloads with 25 documents, and it snowballed from there!

    But do others of you struggle with indecision and information overload? I admit to feeling more overwhelmed now, getting ready to begin my 10th year of schooling, than I did when it was all new. What’s that all about???


    LDIMom~One of my main “organizational” issues is that I cannot seem to “re-organize”.  For instance, if I already have something saved in one place, I cannot seem to figure out how to transfer it to another folder.  Seems as though it should be easy, but I am pretty terrible at anything technical!  Thanks for your help!

    amcampbell4~I always struggle with indecision and info overload!  This year has been especially difficult.  I find myself running in circles trying to decide what to do!  One thing that is really helping me, though, is Planning Your CM Education.  I wish I would have found this resource years ago, even when I wasn’t doing CM yet!  It really helps me to focus in on one subject at a time.  It hasn’t completely squelched the indecision, but it has helped!


    I too am guilty as charged! After a while I just stop looking because I can’t handle any more!

    I never thought about organizing computer files, though I do have my bookmarks organized in folders like that. I’ll have to get going on that so I can see what I have!


    Corie, with a mac all you need do is click, drag and drop in the new location. Easy-peasy!

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