I can’t seem to stop collecting curriculum! I am especially prone to download every nifty free e-book I come across because, well, it’s free, and it also seems so wonderful! But in the process, I just accumulate tons of PDF files that I can never seem to find the time to thoroughly read through, much less print out and get bound for our use. I was cleaning up my inbox the other day and realized I have downloaded several complete Kindergarten curriculums that I had completely forgotten I had! What is wrong with me??? Please tell me I am not alone, and that there is some kind of “Curriculum Hoarders Anonymous” group 🙂 In all seriousness, though, I realize that I have become immobilized by all this stuff and can’t seem to get my head around the planning I need to do for the fall. I often think about a quote in Sonya’s Planning Your CM Education book that says something to the effect of “The hardest effort is the effort of decision.” SO TRUE. If I could just DECIDE, once and for all, I would be free!
I have the same problem of collecting free ebooks, but one of the best ways I found to “see” what I have and then decide was to make specific subject folders on my computer and save things in those. For example, I have a Language Arts folder. Inside that are more folders labeled Copywork and Writing; Speliing and Dictation; Grammar; etc. In each of those folders I was more specific – like Print and Cursive folders for copywork.
As we need stuff I can easily locate it. I did this with Kindergarten and had folders for alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes, etc. I even made one for complete Kindergarten curriculums so I can find those.
I also find the longer I do this homeschool thing the more I find my “style” of products – and that helps eliminate the “freebies” I was attracting and hoarding.
I make files in my computer for subjects like Geography, History, Elementary Math, etc.
If I download it, I immediately put it in one of those folders. Or I put it in an “undecided” folder until I decide if I think I’ll ever actually use it.
The thing is that I have quite a few things that I may never use, but by putting into folders by subject I can at least look there first before researching on the internet to find something I may already have (or something similar). Guilty on that one!
I recently deleted about 150 files from my computer. They *might have been* free PDF files related to educating our children of course.
If I could ever get my Mac figured out, all of the free files I may or may not have downloaded would be organized, as well! 🙂
And Sue in MN~Totally hearin’ ya over here! I’ve realized, though, that sometimes I have to get my hands on it before I can make a decision. I try to buy everything used so I can resell and not completely lose out on what I spent!
Oh Corie, I use Macs and they are so easy once you get going. I get on my DH’s PC and get so confused!
Anything in particular you are having a hard time figuring out?
You should be able to make folders and then folder within those. My main folders are: Homeschool, Personal, Temporary, Food (grocery lists, recipes, etc), Adoption, and Vacation. Within those I have tons of folders.
I have been using MACs since college though, but the learning curve is there. I just love them though!
Thanks for the suggestions on organizing files! That makes total sense and it is just laziness on my part that I have not done it yet. It’s just that it started with only a few files, and then all these wonderful, generous sites provide these mega-downloads with 25 documents, and it snowballed from there!
But do others of you struggle with indecision and information overload? I admit to feeling more overwhelmed now, getting ready to begin my 10th year of schooling, than I did when it was all new. What’s that all about???
LDIMom~One of my main “organizational” issues is that I cannot seem to “re-organize”. For instance, if I already have something saved in one place, I cannot seem to figure out how to transfer it to another folder. Seems as though it should be easy, but I am pretty terrible at anything technical! Thanks for your help!
amcampbell4~I always struggle with indecision and info overload! This year has been especially difficult. I find myself running in circles trying to decide what to do! One thing that is really helping me, though, is Planning Your CM Education. I wish I would have found this resource years ago, even when I wasn’t doing CM yet! It really helps me to focus in on one subject at a time. It hasn’t completely squelched the indecision, but it has helped!
I too am guilty as charged! After a while I just stop looking because I can’t handle any more!
I never thought about organizing computer files, though I do have my bookmarks organized in folders like that. I’ll have to get going on that so I can see what I have!